mymeta-cpanfilep - Online in the Cloud

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mymeta-cpanfile - Dump cpanfile out of (MY)META files


perl Makefile.PL # or Build.PL

# Skip configures phase and suggests type
mymeta-cpanfile --no-configure --no-suggests

# Include empty blcok for phases without prereqs
mymeta-cpanfile --include-empty


This script reads prereqs metadata from MYMETA files in the current directory and prints
"cpanfile" that represents the prereqs. Useful when you want to migrate to using cpanfile
from existing "Makefile.PL" or "Build.PL" with dependency specification.

This script is distributed with Module::CPANfile since version 0.9021.


--configure, --build, --test, --runtime, --develop
Specify the phase to include/exclude. Defaults to include all phases, but you can
exclude some phases by specifying the options with "--no-" prefix, like

--requires, --recommends, --suggests, --conflicts
Specify the type to include/exclude. Defaults to include all types, but you can
exclude some types by specifying the options with "--no-" prefix, like

By default, phases without any prereqs are not dumped, By giving this option, cpanfile
will have an empty block such as:

on test => sub {


Defaults to false.

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