mz.cfg - Online in the Cloud

This is the command mz.cfg that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



mz - a fast versatile packet generator




Mausezahn is a free fast traffic generator written in C which allows you to send nearly
every possible and impossible packet. Mausezahn's MOPS subsystem (Mausezahn's Own Packet
System) supports an interactive mode with a Cisco-style command line interface (CLI). In
order to activate this interactive mode, execute Mausezahn using the -x argument,
optionally followed by an arbitrary TCP port number, such as

# mz -x 99

in which case you can connect to Mausezahn via

$ telnet 99

If no port number is specified, Mausezahn uses the default port number 25542 (which is the
date of towel day followed by the answer to the universe and everything; however, you
don't need to understand this in order to continue).

Login credentials as well as other MOPS-related parameters can be specified in the
Mausezahn configuration file mz.cfg located in etc/mausezahn. Currently, user-specific
configuration files are not supported.

If no configuration file is present Mausezahn assumes the following default login

username: mz
password: mz
enable password: mops

Currently only login credentials can be configured within the configuration file. Here is
an example content of /etc/mausezahn/mz.cfg:

user = herbert
password = moTTe
enable = T0p5ecreT

Additional configuration options will be officially supported with the next releases.

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