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nauty-pickg - Online in the Cloud

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nauty-pickg - select graphs according to a variety of properties


[pickg|countg] [-fp#:#q -V] [--keys] [-constraints -v] [ifile [ofile]]


countg : Count graphs according to their properties.

pickg : Select graphs according to their properties.

ifile, ofile : Input and output files.

'-' and missing names imply stdin and stdout.

Miscellaneous switches:

-p# -p#:#
Specify range of input lines (first is 1)

-f With -p, assume input lines of fixed length (only used with a file in graph6

-v Negate all constraints

-V List properties of every input matching constraints.

-q Suppress informative output.


Numerical constraints (shown here with following #) can take a single integer
value, or a range like #:#, #:, or :#. Each can also be preceded by '~', which
negates it. (For example, -~D2:4 will match any maximum degree which is _not_ 2,
3, or 4.) Constraints are applied to all input graphs, and only those which match
all constraints are counted or selected.

-n# number of vertices -e# number of edges

-d# minimum degree -D# maximum degree

-m# vertices of min degree -M# vertices of max degree

-r regular -b bipartite

-z# radius -Z# diameter

-g# girth (0=acyclic) -Y# total number of cycles

-T# number of triangles -K# number of maximal independent sets

-H# number of induced cycles

-E Eulerian (all degrees are even, connectivity not required)

-a# group size -o# orbits -F# fixed points -t vertex-transitive

-c# connectivity (only implemented for 0,1,2).

-i# min common nbrs of adjacent vertices; -I# maximum

-j# min common nbrs of non-adjacent vertices; -J# maximum

Sort keys:

Counts are made for all graphs passing the constraints.

are given separately for each combination of values occuring for the properties
listed as sort keys. A sort key is introduced by '--' and uses one of the letters
known as constraints. These can be combined: --n --e --r is the same as --ne
--r and --ner. The order of sort keys is significant.

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