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NanoBlogger - small weblog engine for the UNIX command line


nb [-b blog_dir] [options]


NanoBlogger User's manual.

NanoBlogger is a small weblog engine written in Bash for the command line. It uses common
unix tools, such as cat, grep and sed. It's free to use and modify under the GNU General
Public License.


-a, --add
create new entry, category, or weblog (directory).

-b, --blogdir <directory>
specify weblog directory.

-B, --body <text>
deprecated, please use '-T' or '--text' instead.

-c, --category <ID,cat>
specify category (for '--add', '--delete', '--edit', '--list', '--update', and

--cfgfile <file>
specify an alternate configuration file.

configure weblog (for '--update').

--datadir <directory>
specify weblog's data directory.

-d, --delete <ID,cat>
delete an entry or category.

-D, --desc <text>
set text of description (for '--add', '--draft', '--makefile' and '--makepage').

-e, --edit <ID,cat>
edit an entry or category.

-E, --draft <file>
edit or create metafile.

-f, --file <file>
specify metafile to import as entry (for '--add').

-h, --help
show this help message.

-i, --interactive <1=on/0=off>
toggle interactive mode (for '--add', '--delete', '--preview', '--publish', and

-l, --list <all,cat,DATE,max>
list entries or categories (defaults to max).

view the manual.

-m, --move <ID>
move an entry to a specified category (for '--category').

-M, --makepage <file1> <file2>
create new weblog page (file2) from metafile (file1).

--makefile <file>
create new metafile.

-n, --author <text>
set text of author (for '--add', '--draft', '--makefile' and '--makepage').

--plugindir <directory>
specify weblog's plugin directory.

-p, --preview
run command to preview weblog.

-P, --publish
run command to publish weblog.

--template <file>
specify file to load as template (for '--draft', '--makepage' and '--makefile').

--template-dir <directory>
specify weblog's template directory.

-t, --title <text>
set text of title (for '--add', '--category', '--draft', '--makefile' and

--tag <TAG>
specify tag (for '--add', '--draft', '--edit', '--makefile' and


--tag-text <text>
set text of tag (for '--tag').

-T, --text <text>
set text of body (for '--add', '--draft', '--makefile' and '--makepage').

-U, --update-cache <all,DATE,max,expired>
force update of weblog's cache removing specified cached data (defaults to

-u, --update <all,DATE,main,max>
force update of weblog's files updating specified weblog data (defaults to 'max').

-v, --verbose <1=on/0=off>
toggle level of verbosity.

-V, --version
display version information.

-c,-d,-e,-m accepts multiple ID numbers separated by commas (e.g. 1,2,3).

--list and --update can match entries by date (irrelevant of entry id(s)).



--blogdir [myblog_dir] --add
Where myblog_dir is a nonexistent directory. This will create a new directory,
copy the default files over, and then let you edit the weblog's configuration.
Multiple weblogs can be created this way. Running the same command again on an
existing weblog directory will add a new entry.

--blogdir [myblog_dir] --configure -u all
This opens blog.conf from the weblog directory for editing and updates the
entire weblog.

[-b blog_dir] -a
Add a new entry

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -a
Add a new entry to a category

[-b blog_dir] -t “New Entry” -n [entry_author] -a
Set title and author for new entry

[-b blog_dir] -t “New Entry” -n [entry_author] -M “My message.” -a
Set title, author, and body for new entry

[-b blog_dir] -l
List current entries

[-b blog_dir] -l all
List all entries

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -l
List entries for a category

[-b blog_dir] -e 1
Edit the last entry created

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -e 1
Edit an entry from a category

[-b blog_dir] -e 1,2,3
Edit multiple entries

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -m 1
Move an entry to a category

[-b blog_dir] -c 1,2,3 -m 1
Move an entry to multiple categories

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -m 1,2,3
Move multiple entries to a category

[-b blog_dir] -d 1
Permanently delete an entry

[-b blog_dir] -d 1,2,3
Permanently delete multiple entries

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -d 1
Delete an entry from a category

[-b blog_dir] -c new -a
Create a new category

[-b blog_dir] -t “New Category” -c new -a
Set the title for a new category

[-b blog_dir] -l cat
List available categories

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -t “News” -e cat
Edit a category's title

[-b blog_dir] -c 1 -d cat
Delete a category

[-b blog_dir] -u all
Update the Weblog's Data Directory


The articles plugin provides a simple way for NanoBlogger to automatically generate and
update articles for your weblog. Creating a new article is easy, create a new file in the
articles directory and save it with the suffix, "txt". To remove an article simply rename
it's suffix to something other than "txt" or remove it from the articles directory.

Edit templates/main_links.htm to add new links.

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