nbc - Online in the Cloud

This is the command nbc that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nbc - Compiler for LEGO Mindstorms NXT


nbc [options] file [options]


This manual page documents briefly the nbc command.

nbc is a program that compiles Not eXactly C (NXC) files or NeXT Byte Code (NBC) files
into programs that can run on the standard LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT firmware or the enhanced
NBC/NXC firmware. The nbc compiler can either save the compiler output to a file or upload
it to a LEGO Mindstorms NXT for execution. The compiler can also compile NXT Picture
files (.ric) using the text-based RICScript language. Since nbc can compile different
programming languages it uses the file extension to determine the type of code it is
compiling. NXC programs should use the .nxc file extension, NBC programs should use the
.nbc file extension, and RICScript programs should use the .rs file extension.


specify port name (COMn or usb), resource name, or alias

-d download program

-b treat input file as a binary file (don't compile it)

-q quiet mode

-n prevent the system file from being included

define macro <sym>

-x decompile program

turn on compiler optimizations

-ER=n set maximum errors before aborting (0 == no limit)

-PD=n set max preprocessor recursion depth (default == 10)

specify output file

write compiler errors to <filename>

search <path> for include files

save NXC intermediate NBC code to <filename>

generate code listing to <filename>

generate symbol table to <filename>

warnings off or on [default is on]

compiler status messages off or on [default is on]

-EF enhanced firmware

NXC will wrap all function calls in Acquire/Release

-api dump the API to stdout

-v=n set the targeted firmware version (default == 128, NXT 1.1 == 105)

-help display command line options

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