ncargfileNCARG - Online in the Cloud

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ncargfile - NCAR Graphics Files


ncargfile [-all] file ...


ncargfile provides the user with access to special NCAR Graphics files or tables.
ncargfile copies the specified file(s) into the current directory.

In order to run ncargfile, you must have your NCARG_ROOT environment variable set to the
directory pathname where the NCAR Graphics libraries, binaries, and include files were
installed. If you are not sure what NCARG_ROOT should be set to, please check with your
system administrator or the site representative for NCAR Graphics. If the NCAR Graphics
libraries, binaries, and include files were not installed under one root directory, then
you will need to set the environment variables NCARG_LIB, NCARG_BIN, and NCARG_INCLUDE
instead. Please see "man ncargintro" for more information.

Currently, only one table is available with ncargfile, and that is the table of Ezmap Area
identifiers, called "ezmap_area_ids".

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