ncftpbookmarks - Online in the Cloud

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ncftpbookmarks - full screen bookmarks editor for ncftp




ncftpbookmarks is a full-screen bookmark editor for the File Transfer Protocol client

ncftp can bookmark server name, login name and password of your favorite ftp servers.
ncftpbookmarks is used to handle these bookmarks.

This full-screen editor can also be launched from the ncftp prompt with the bookmarks

While using ncftpbookmarks, the screen is divided into two parts. The left one gives a
brief description of keyboard controls. The right one lists all existing bookmarks. Up
and down arrows (or "u" and "d" keys) are used to move the cursor in this list. The "x"
key is used to quit the editor. Other commands have to be typed in full (e.g. /ed, /del).

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