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nfc-mfultralight - Online in the Cloud

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nfc-mfultralight - MIFARE Ultralight command line tool


nfc-mfultralight r|w DUMP


nfc-mfultralight is a MIFARE Ultralight tool that allows one to read or write a tag data
to/from a DUMP file.

MIFARE Ultralight tag is one of the most widely used RFID tags for ticketing application.
It uses a binary Mifare Dump file (MFD) to store data for all sectors.

Be cautious that some parts of a Ultralight memory can be written only once and some parts
are used as lock bits, so please read the tag documentation before experimenting too much!

To set the UID of a special writeable UID card, edit the first 7 bytes of a dump file and
then write it back, answering 'Y' to the question 'Write UID bytes?'.


r | w Perform read from ( r ) or write to ( w ) card.

DUMP MiFare Dump (MFD) used to write (card to MFD) or (MFD to card)

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