nntp-pull - Online in the Cloud

This is the command nntp-pull that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nntp-pull - fetch articles from the server to the mbox


nntp-pull [options...] groupname [groupname...]


Fetch messages from the server and save them into the mailbox (mbox format). Every
argument is supposed to be a name of group, optionally followed by a '>' character and
mbox filename. If the mbox filename is omitted, it defaults to the name of the group.

Besides global options (described in sinntp(1)), nntp-pull command takes following

Pull at most N messages.

Start from the first available message.


nntp-pull --server=news.example.org --limit=50 'comp.os.linux>os-linux' Fetches at most
the 50 newest articles from the newsgroup comp.os.linux located on news.example.org server
and appends them to the os-linux mailbox file.

nntp-pull --server=news.example.net --reget --limit=3 comp.os.windows Fetches at most the
3 oldest articles from the newsgroup comp.os.windows located on news.example.net server
and appends them to the comp.os.windows mailbox file.

Use nntp-pull online using onworks.net services

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