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nntptest - interactive NNTP test program


nntptest [ -t keyfile ] [ -p port ] [ -m mechanism ]
[ -a userid ] [ -u userid ] [ -k num ] [ -l num ]
[ -r realm ] [ -f file ] [ -n num ] [ -s ] [ -c ]
[ -i ] [ -o option=value ] [ -v ] hostname


nntptest is a utility that allows you to authenticate to a NNTP server and interactively
issue commands to it. Once authenticated you may issue any NNTP command by simply typing
it in. It is capable of multiple SASL authentication mechanisms and handles encryption
layers transparently. This utility is often used for testing the operation of a nntp
server. Also those developing NNTP clients find it useful.


-t keyfile
Enable TLS. keyfile contains the TLS public and private keys. Specify "" to
negotiate a TLS encryption layer but not use TLS authentication.

-p port
Port to connect to. If left off this defaults to nntp as defined in /etc/services.

-m mechanism
Force nntptest to use mechanism for authentication. If not specified the strongest
authentication mechanism supported by the server is chosen. Specify user to use
the AUTHINFO USER/PASS commands instead of AUTHINFO SASL.

-a userid
Userid to use for authentication; defaults to the current user. This is the userid
whose password or credentials will be presented to the server for verification.

-u userid
Userid to use for authorization; defaults to the current user. This is the userid
whose identity will be assumed after authentication. NOTE: This is only used with
SASL mechanisms that allow proxying (e.g. PLAIN, DIGEST-MD5).

-k num Minimum protection layer required.

-l num Maximum protection layer to use (0=none; 1=integrity; etc). For example if you are
using the KERBEROS_V4 authentication mechanism specifying 0 will force nntptest to
not use any layer and specifying 1 will force it to use the integrity layer. By
default the maximum supported protection layer will be used.

-r realm
Specify the realm to use. Certain authentication mechanisms (e.g. DIGEST-MD5) may
require one to specify the realm.

-f file
Pipe file into connection after authentication.

-n num Number of authentication attempts; default = 1. The client will attempt to do
SSL/TLS session reuse and/or fast reauth (e.g. DIGEST-MD5), if possible.

-s Enable NNTP over SSL (nntps).

-c Enable challenge prompt callbacks. This will cause the OTP mechanism to ask for
the the one-time password instead of the secret pass-phrase (library generates the
correct response).

-i Don't send an initial client response for SASL mechanisms, even if the protocol
supports it.

-o option=value
Set the SASL option to value.

-v Verbose. Print out more information than usual.

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