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normpat - Online in the Cloud

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normpat - normalize RADIANCE pictures for use as patterns.


normpat [ -v ][ -b ][ -f ][ -r maxres ] picture ..


Normpat normalizes one or more RADIANCE pictures to an average brightness of 1.0 and
optionally removes fundamental frequencies and blends the edges of the image. The
original images are overwritten during this process, and it is recommended that the
program work on copies of the pictures for this reason.

The -r option can be used to set the maximum horizontal or vertical resolution of the
final result, which should not be greater than 256 for most patterns (due to the
associated memory burden during rendering). The -f option uses a Fourier transform to
remove the lowest frequencies from the image, reducing the noticeability of pattern
repitition. The -b option can be used to blend the edges of the image so that when it is
tiled, the seams are less apparent. The -v option turns on the verbose flag, which prints
on the standard output progress messages as the script runs.

Normpat is a shell script that makes calls to other RADIANCE programs that do the actual

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