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nova - Online in the Cloud

Run nova in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command nova that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



nova - Command-line interface to the OpenStack Compute API.


nova [ --username USERNAME ] [ --apikey APIKEY ] [ --url AUTH_URL ] <subcommand>


nova is a command line interface to the OpenStack Compute API.


nova actions
Retrieve server actions.

nova backup-schedule
Show or edit the backup schedule for a server.

nova backup-schedule-delete
Delete the backup schedule for a server.

nova boot
Boot a new server.

nova delete
Immediately shut down and delete a server.

nova diagnostics
Retrieve server diagnostics.

nova flavor-list
Print a list of available 'flavors' (sizes of servers).

nova help
Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

nova image-create
Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a running server.

nova image-delete
Delete an image.

nova image-list
Print a list of available images to boot from.

nova ip-share
Share an IP address from the given IP group onto a server.

nova ip-unshare
Stop sharing an given address with a server.

nova ipgroup-create
Create a new IP group.

nova ipgroup-delete
Delete an IP group.

nova ipgroup-list
Show IP groups.

nova ipgroup-show
Show details about a particular IP group.

nova list
List active servers.

nova pause
Pause a server.

nova reboot
Reboot a server.

nova rebuild
Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.

nova rename
Rename a server.

nova rescue
Rescue a server.

nova resize
Resize a server.

nova resize-confirm
Confirm a previous resize.

nova resize-revert
Revert a previous resize (and return to the previous VM).

nova resume
Resume a server.

nova root-password
Change the root password for a server.

nova show
Show details about the given server.

nova suspend
Suspend a server.

nova unpause
Unpause a server.

nova unrescue
Unrescue a server.

nova zone
Show or edit a child zone.

nova zone-add
Add a new child zone.

nova zone-delete
Delete a zone.

nova zone-info
Get this zones name and capabilities.

nova zone-list
List the children of a zone.

Optional arguments:
--username USERNAME
Defaults to env[NOVA_USERNAME].

--apikey APIKEY
Defaults to env[NOVA_API_KEY].

--url AUTH_URL
Defaults to https://auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0 or env[NOVA_URL] if defined.

See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.

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