numnormalize - Online in the Cloud

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numnormalize - Normalize a set of numbers. By default between 0 and 1.


numnormalize [-dhRV] <FILE>

| numnormalize [-dhRV] (Input on STDIN from pipeline.)

numnormalize [-dhRV] (Input on STDIN. Use Ctrl-D to stop.)


numnormalize will take a set of numbers on input and return that set as a normalized set
of numbers between 0 and 1 by default. Or you can use the -R option to specify a
different normalized range.


-h Help: You're looking at it.
-V Increase verbosity.
-d Debug mode. For developers

-R <range> This allows you to specify a different normalized range instead of from 0 to 1.
For example -R 0..5

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