ocamldot - Online in the Cloud

This is the command ocamldot that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ocamldot - generate dependency graphs of ocaml programs


ocamldot [options] <dependency-file>


This manual page documents briefly the ocamldot command.

ocamldot generates program dependency graphs for ocaml programs. The dependency graph
output by ocamldot can be rendered by a separate program, dot.

Ocamldot is designed to process the output of ocamldep. A typical use would be

ocamldep *.ml | ocamldot > dep.dot


ocamldep *.ml > .depend
ocamldot .depend > dep.dot


Draw the full graph (default is to draw only the kernel)

Output in landscape format (default is portrait)

-lr Draw graph from left to right (default is top to bottom)

-r <r> Use <r> as a root in the graph; nodes reachable from <r> will be shown.

The transitive kernel of a dag is the smallest subset of the dag whose transitive closure
is the same as the transitive closure of the dag. For example, the kernel of A->B, A->C,
B->C is just the two edges A->B, B->C.

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