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ocamlfind - [Command-line interface of the Package manager]


ocamlfind query [-help | other options] package_name ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlc [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlcp [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlmktop [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlopt [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamldoc [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamldep [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlmklib [-help | other options] file ...
or: ocamlfind ocamlbrowser [-help | other options]
or: ocamlfind install [-help | other options] package_name file ...
or: ocamlfind remove [-help | other options] package_name
or: ocamlfind list [-describe]
or: ocamlfind printconf [ variable ]
or: ocamlfind package/command arg ...

Optional toolchain selection by:
ocamlfind -toolchain name ...


ocamlfind query [ -predicates p |
-format f |
-long-format | -l |
-i-format |
-l-format |
-a-format |
-o-format |
-p-format |
-prefix p |
-separator s |
-suffix s |
-pp |
-descendants | -d |
-recursive | -r ] package ...

This command looks packages up, sorts them optionally, and prints attributes of them. If
the option -recursive (short: -r) is not specified, exactly the packages given on the
command line are looked up; if -recursive is present, the packages and all their
ancestors, or if -descendants (short: -d) is present, too, all their descendants are

Package lookup and the selection of the attributes of the packages can be modified by
specifying predicates; without a -predicates option the empty set of predicates is used.
Note that even the lookup is influenced by the set of actual predicates as the "requires"
variables may be conditional.

What is printed about a package depends on the specified format; there are a number of
options that modify the format. Some formats denote sets of values (such as -format %a),
in which case multiple output records are printed for every package. (It is even possible
to specify formats denoting the Cartesian product of sets, such as -format %a%o, but this
does not make sense.) Before the first output record the prefix is printed, and the suffix
after the last record. Between two records the separator is printed.

-predicates p

Sets the set of actual predicates. The argument p is a list of predicate names
separated by commas and/or whitespace. If multiple -predicates options are given,
the union of all specified sets is effectively used.

-format f

Sets the format to the string f. Characters preceded by a percent sign are
interpreted as placeholders; all other characters mean themselves. The defined
placeholders are listed below. The default format is "%d".

-long-format or -l

Sets the format such that all relevant variables are printed.


Same as -format "-I %d", i.e. directory options for ocamlc are printed.


Same as -format "-ccopt -L%d", i.e. directory options for the linker backend are


Same as -format "%+a", i.e. archive file names are printed.


Same as -format "%o", i.e. linker options are printed.


Same as -format "%p", i.e. package names are printed.

-prefix p

Sets the prefix that is printed before the first output record to the given
string. The default prefix is the empty string.

-suffix s

Sets the suffix that is printed after the last output record to the given string.
The default suffix is the empty string.

-separator s

Sets the separator that is printed between output records to the given string. The
default separator is a linefeed character.

-recursive or -r

Not only the packages given on the command line are queried but also all ancestors
or descendants. If the option -descendants is specified, too, the descendants are
printed, otherwise the ancestors. The packages are topologically sorted.

-descendants -d

Instead of the ancestors the descendants of the given packages are queried. This
option implies -recursive.


Query preprocessor packages (camlp4 syntax extensions). Normally it is not needed
to set -predicates, except you need the archives (then add -predicates byte). This
option implies -recursive.

Placeholders meaningful in the -format option

Replaced by a single percent sign


Replaced by the package name


Replaced by the package directory


Replaced by the package description


Replaced by the version string


Replaced by the archive filename. If there is more than one archive, a separate
output record is printed for every archive.


Like %a, but the filenames are converted to absolute paths ("+" and "@" notations
are resolved)


Replaced by the list of archive filenames.


Like %A, but the filenames are converted to absolute paths ("+" and "@" notations
are resolved)


Replaced by one linker option. If there is more than one option, a separate output
record is printed for every option.


Replaced by the list of linker options.


Replaced by the value of the property named in parentheses, or the empty string if
not defined.

THE SUBCOMMANDS 'ocamlc', 'ocamlcp', 'ocamlopt', and 'ocamlmktop'

ocamlfind ( ocamlc | ocamlcp | ocamlopt | ocamlmktop )
[ -package package-name-list |
-linkpkg |
-predicates pred-name-list |
-dontlink package-name-list |
-syntax pred-name-list |
-ppopt camlp4-arg |
-ppxopt package,arg |
-dllpath-pkg package-name-list |
-dllpath-all |
-passopt arg |
-passrest arg... |
-only-show |
standard-option ]
file ...

These subcommands are drivers for the compilers with the same names, i.e. "ocamlfind
ocamlc" is a driver for "ocamlc", and so on. The subcommands understand all documented
options of the compilers (here called standard-options), but also a few more options. If
these subcommands are invoked only with standard options, they behave as if the underlying
compiler had been called directly. The extra options modify this.

Internally, these subcommands transform the given list of options and file arguments into
an invocation of the driven compiler. This transformation only adds options and files, and
the relative order of the options and files passed directly is unchanged.

If there are -package options, additional directory search specifiers will be included
("-I", and "-ccopt -I"), such that files of all named packages and all ancestors can be

The -linkpkg option causes that the packages listed in the -package options and all
necessary ancestors are linked in. This means that the archive files implementing the
packages are inserted into the list of file arguments.

As the package database is queried a set of predicates is needed. Most predicates are set
automatically, see below, but additional predicates can be given by a -predicates option.

If there is a -syntax option, the drivers assume that a preprocessor is to be used. In
this case, the preprocessor command is built first in a preprocessor stage, and this
command is passed to the compiler using the -pp option. The set of predicates in the
preprocessor stage is different from the set in the compiler/linker stage.

Options for compiling and linking
Here, only the additional options not interpreted by the compiler but by the driver
itself, and options with additional effects are explained. Some options are only
meaningful for the preprocessor call, and are explained below.

-package package-name-list

Adds the listed package names to the set of included packages. The package names
may be separated by commas and/or whitespace. In the transformed command, for
every package of the set of included packages and for any ancestor a directory
search option is inserted after the already given options. This means that "-I"
and "-ccopt -I" options are added for every package directory.


Causes that in the transformed command all archives of the packages specified by
-packages and all their ancestors are added to the file arguments. More precisely,
these archives are inserted before the first given file argument. Furthermore,
"-ccopt -L" options for all package directories, and the linker options of the
selected packages are added, too. Note that the archives are inserted in
topological order while the linker options are added in reverse toplogical order.

-predicates pred-name-list

Adds the given predicates to the set of actual predicates. The predicates must be
separated by commas and/or whitespace.

-dontlink package-name-list

This option modifies the behaviour of -linkpkg. Packages specified here and all
ancestors are not linked in. Again the packages are separated by commas and/or

-dllpath-pkg package-name-list

For these packages -dllpath options are added to the compiler command. This may be
useful when the ld.conf file is not properly configured.


For all linked packages -dllpath options are added to the compiler command. This
may be useful when the ld.conf file is not properly configured.

-passopt arg

The argument arg is passed directly to the underlying compiler. This is needed to
specify undocumented compiler options.

-passrest arg...

All following arguments arg... are passed directly to the underlying compiler.
This is needed to specify undocumented compiler options.


Only prints the constructed command (ocamlc/ocamlopt) to stdout, but does not
execute the command. (This is for the unlikely event that you need a wrapper
around ocamlfind.)


This standard option is interpreted by the driver, too.


This standard option causes that the predicate "mt" is added to the set of actual
predicates. If POSIX threads are available, the predicate "mt_posix" is selected,
too. If only VM threads are available, the predicate "mt_vm" is included into the
set, and the compiler switch is changed into -vmthread.

Note that the presence of the "mt" predicate triggers special fixup of the
dependency graph (see below).


This standard option causes that the predicates "mt" and "mt_vm" are added to the
set of actual predicates.

Note that the presence of the "mt" predicate triggers special fixup of the
dependency graph (see below).


This standard option of "ocamlopt" causes that the predicate "gprof" is added to
the set of actual predicates.

Options for preprocessing
The options relevant for the preprocessor are the following:

-package package-name-list

These packages are considered while looking up the preprocessor arguments. (It
does not cause problems that the same -package option is used for this purpose,
because the set of predicates is different.) It is recommended to mention at least
camlp4 here if the preprocessor is going to be used.

-syntax pred-name-list

These predicates are assumed to be true in addition to the standard preprocessor
predicates. See below for a list.

-ppopt camlp4-arg

This argument is passed to the camlp4 call.

Predicates for compiling and linking

The "byte" predicate means that one of the bytecode compilers is used. It is
automatically included into the predicate set if the "ocamlc", "ocamlcp", or
"ocamlmktop" compiler is used.


The "native" predicate means that the native compiler is used. It is automatically
included into the predicate set if the "ocamlopt" compiler is used.


The "toploop" predicate means that the toploop is available in the linked program.
This predicate is only set when the toploop is actually being executed, not when
the toploop is created (this changed in version 1.0.4 of findlib).


This predicate means that a toploop is being created (using ocamlmktop).


The "mt" predicate means that the program is multi-threaded. It is automatically
included into the predicate set if the -thread option is given.


The "mt_posix" predicate means that in the case "mt" is set, too, the POSIX
libraries are used to implement threads. "mt_posix" is automatically included into
the predicate set if the variable "type_of_threads" in the META description of the
"threads" package has the value "posix". This is normally the case if "findlib" is
configured for POSIX threads.


The "mt_vm" predicate means that in the case "mt" is set, too, the VM thread
emulation is used to implement multi-threading.


The "gprof" predicate means that in the case "native" is set, too, the program is
compiled for profiling. It is automatically included into the predicate set if
"ocamlopt" is used and the -p option is in effect.


The "autolink" predicate means that ocamlc is able to perform automatic linking. It
is automatically included into the predicate set if ocamlc knows automatic linking
(from version 3.00), but it is not set if the -noautolink option is set.


This predicate is set if there is a -syntax option. It is set both for the
preprocessor and the compiler/linker stage, and it can be used to find out whether
the preprocessor is enabled or not.

Predicates for preprocessing

This predicate is always set while looking up the preprocessor arguments. It can
be used to distinguish between the preprocessor stage and the compiler/linker


This predicate is set if there is a -syntax option. It is set both for the
preprocessor and the compiler/linker stage, and it can be used to find out whether
the preprocessor is enabled or not.


This is the reserved predicate for the standard O'Caml syntax. It can be used in
the -syntax predicate list.


This is the reserved predicate for the revised O'Caml syntax. It can be used in
the -syntax predicate list.

Special behaviour of 'ocamlmktop'
As there is a special module Topfind that supports loading of packages in scripts, the
"ocamlmktop" subcommand can add initialization code for this module. This extra code is
linked into the executable if "findlib" is in the set of effectively linked packages.

Fixup of the dependency graph for multi-threading
For a number of reasons the presence of the "mt" predicate triggers that (1) the package
"threads" is added to the list of required packages and (2) the package "threads" becomes
prerequisite of all other packages (except of itself and a few hardcoded exceptions). The
effect is that the options -thread and -vmthread automatically select the "threads"
package, and that "threads" is inserted at the right position in the package list.

Extended file naming
At a number of places one can not only refer to files by absolute or relative path names,
but also by extended names. These have two major forms: "+name" refers to the subdirectory
name of the standard library directory, and "@name" refers to the package directory of the
package name. Both forms can be continued by a path, e.g. "@netstring/netstring_top.cma".

You can use extended names: (1) With -I options, (2) as normal file arguments of the
compiler, (3) in the "archive" property of packages.

How to set the names of the compiler executables
Normally, the O'Caml bytecode compiler can be called under the name ocamlc. However, this
is not always true; sometimes a different name is chosen.

You can instruct ocamlfind to call executables with other names than ocamlc, ocamlopt,
ocamlmktop, and ocamlcp. If present, the environment variable OCAMLFIND_COMMANDS is
interpreted as a mapping from the standard names to the actual names of the executables.
It must have the following format:

standardname1=actualname1 standardname2=actualname2 ...

Example: You may set OCAMLFIND_COMMANDS as follows:

OCAMLFIND_COMMANDS='ocamlc=ocamlc-3.00 ocamlopt=ocamlopt-3.00'

Alternatively, you can change the configuration file findlib.conf.

THE SUBCOMMAND 'ocamlmklib'

ocamlfind ocamlmklib
[ -package package-name-list |
-predicates pred-name-list |
-dllpath-pkg package-name-list |
-dllpath-all |
-passopt arg |
-passrest arg... |
standard-option ]
file ...

This is a wrapper around ocamlmklib, and creates library archives and DLLs. In addition to
the standard options, one can use -package to add the search path of packages. Note that
no predicates are set by default - the wrapper does not know whether this is about byte or
native code linking.

This wrapper is mostly provided for completeness.


ocamlfind ocamldep [-package package-name-list |
-syntax pred-name-list |
-ppopt camlp4-arg |
-passopt arg |
-passrest arg... |
-verbose |
standard-option] file ...

This command is a driver for the tool ocamldep of the O'Caml distribution. This driver is
only useful in conjunction with the preprocessor camlp4; otherwise it does not provide
more functions than ocamldep itself.

Here, only the additional options not interpreted by ocamldep but by the driver itself,
and options with additional effects are explained.

-package package-name-list

The packages named here are only used to look up the preprocessor options. The
package camlp4 should be specified anyway, but further packages that add
capabilities to the preprocessor can also be passed.

-syntax pred-name-list

The predicates that are in effect during the look-up of the preprocessor options.
At least, either camlp4o (selecting the normal syntax), or camlp4r (selecting the
revised syntax) should be specified.

-ppopt camlp4-arg

An option that is passed through to the camlp4 call.

-passopt arg

An option that is passed through to the ocamldep call.

-passrest arg...

All further arguments are passed down to ocamldep unprocessed


Displays the resulting ocamldep command (for debugging)

A typical way of using this driver:

ocamlfind ocamldep -package camlp4,xstrp4 -syntax camlp4r file1.ml file2.ml
This command outputs the dependencies of file1.ml and file2.ml, although these modules
make use of the syntax extensions provided by xstrp4 and are written in revised syntax.

THE 'ocamlbrowser' SUBCOMMAND

ocamlfind ocamlbrowser [-package package-name-list |
-all |
-passopt arg
-passrest ]

This driver calls the ocamlbrowser with package options. With -package, the specified
packages are included into the search path of the browser, and the modules of these
packages become visible (in addition to the standard library). The option -all causes that
all packages are selected that are managed by findlib.

As for other drivers, the options -passopt and -passrest can be used to pass arguments
directly to the ocamlbrowser program.


ocamlfind ocamldoc
[ -package package-name-list |
-predicates pred-name-list |
-syntax pred-name-list |
-ppopt camlp4-arg |
standard-option ]
file ...

This subcommand is a driver for ocamldoc. It undestands all options ocamldoc supports plus
the mentioned findlib options. Basically, the -package options are translated into -I
options, and the selected syntax options are translated into camlp4 options.

Here, only the additional options not interpreted by ocamldep but by the driver itself,
and options with additional effects are explained.

-package package-name-list

Adds the listed package names to the set of included packages. The package names
may be separated by commas and/or whitespace. In the transformed command, for
every package of the set of included packages and for any ancestor a directory
search option is inserted after the already given options. This means that "-I"
options are added for every package directory.

-predicates pred-name-list

Adds the given predicates to the set of actual predicates. The predicates must be
separated by commas and/or whitespace.

-syntax pred-name-list

The predicates that are in effect during the look-up of the preprocessor options.
At least, either camlp4o (selecting the normal syntax), or camlp4r (selecting the
revised syntax) should be specified.

-ppopt camlp4-arg

An option that is passed through to the camlp4 call.


ocamlfind install [ -destdir directory ]
[ -metadir directory ]
[ -ldconf path ]
[ -dont-add-directory-directive ]
[ -patch-version string ]
[ -patch-rmpkg name ]
[ -patch-archives ]
[ -dll ] [ -nodll ] [ -optional ] [ -add ]
package_name file ...

This subcommand installs a new package either at the default location (see the variable
destdir of findlib.conf), or in the directory specified by the -destdir option. This means
that a new package directory is created and that the files on the command line are copied
to this directory. It is required that a META file is one of the files copied to the
target directory.

Note that package directories should be flat (no subdirectories). Existing packages are
never overwritten.

It is possible to have a separate directory for all the META files. If you want that, you
have either to set the variable metadir of findlib.conf, or to specify the -metadir
option. In this case, the file called META is copied to the specified directory and
renamed to META.p (where p is the package name), while all the other files are copied to
the package directory as usual. Furthermore, the META file is modified such that the
directory variable contains the path of the package directory.

The option -dont-add-directory-directive prevents the installer from adding a directory

If there are files ending in the suffixes .so or .dll, the package directory will be added
to the DLL configuration file ld.conf, such that the dynamic loader can find the DLL. The
location of this file can be overriden by the -ldconf option. To turn this feature off,
use "-ldconf ignore"; this causes that the ld.conf file is not modified.

However, if there is a stublibs directory in site-lib, the DLLs are not installed in the
package directory, but in this directory that is shared by all packages that are installed
at the same location. In this case, the configuration file ld.conf is not modified, so you
do not need to say "-ldconf ignore" if you prefer this style of installation.

The options -dll and -nodll can be used to control exactly which files are considered as
DLLs and which not. By default, the mentioned suffix rule is in effect: files ending in
".so" (Unix) or ".dll" (Windows) are DLLs. The switch -dll changes this, and all following
files are considered as DLLs, regardless of their suffix. The switch -nodll expresses
that the following files are not DLLs, even if they have a DLL-like suffix. For example,
in the following call the files f1 and f2 are handled by the suffix rule; f3 and f4 are
DLLs anyway; and f5 and f6 are not DLLs:

ocamlfind install p f1 f2 -dll f3 f4 -nodll f5 f6

The switch -optional declares that all following files are optional, i.e. the command will
not fail if files do not exist.

The -patch options may be used to change the contents of the META files while it is being
installed. The option -patch-version changes the contents of the top-level "version"
variable. The option -patch-rmpkg removes the given subpackage. The option -patch-archives
is experimental, in particular it removes all non-existing files from "archive" variables,
and even whole subpackages if the archives are missing.

The effect of -add is to add further files to an already installed packages.


ocamlfind remove [ -destdir directory ]
[ -metadir directory ]
[ -ldconf path ]

The package will removed if it is installed at the default location (see the variable
destdir of findlib.conf). If the package resides at a different location, it will not be
removed by default; however, you can pass an alternate directory for packages by the
-destdir option. (This must be the same directory as specified at installation time.)

Note that package directories should be flat (no subdirectories); this subcommand cannot
remove deep package directories.

If you have a separate directory for META files, you must either configure this directory
by the metadir variable of findlib.conf, or by specifying the -metadir option.

The command does not fail if the package and/or the META file cannot be located. You will
get a warning only in this case.

If the package directory is mentioned in the ld.conf configuration file for DLLs, it will
be tried to remove this entry from the file. The location of this file can be overriden by
the -ldconf option. To turn this feature off, use "-ldconf ignore"; this causes that the
ld.conf file is not modified.

If there is a stublibs directory, it is checked whether the package owns any of the files
in this directory, and the owned files will be deleted.


ocamlfind list [-describe]

This command lists all packages in the search path. The option -describe outputs the
package descriptions, too.

THE 'printconf' SUBCOMMAND

ocamlfind printconf [ conf | path | destdir | metadir | stdlib | ldconf ]

This command prints the effective configuration after reading the configuration file, and
after applying the various environment variables overriding settings. When called without
arguments, the command prints all configuration options in a human-readable form. When
called with an argument, only the value of the requested option is printed without
explaining texts:


Prints the location of the configuration file findlib.conf


Prints the search path for packages. The members of the path are separated by


Prints the location where package are installed and removed by default.


Prints the location where META files are installed and removed (if the alternative
layout is used).


Prints the location of the standard library.


Prints the location of the ld.conf file


ocamlfind pkg/cmd argument ...

This subcommand is useful to call programs that are installed in package directories. It
looks up the directory for pkg and calls the command named cmd in this directory. The
remaining arguments are passed to this command.

argv(0) contains the absolute path to the command, and argv(1) and the following argv
entries contain the arguments. The working directory is not changed.

Example: To call the program "x" that is installed in package "p", with arguments "y" and
"z", run:

ocamlfind p/x y z


The configuration file and environment variables are documented in the manual page for


ocamlfind -toolchain name ...

The -toolchain option can be given before any other command, e.g.

ocamlfind -toolchain foo ocamlc -c file.ml
compiles file.ml with toolchain "foo". By selecting toolchains one can switch to
different command sets. For instance, the toolchain "foo" may consist of a patched ocamlc
compiler. See findlib.conf how to configure toolchains.

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