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ocamlprof - The OCaml profiler


ocamlprof [ options ] filename ...


The ocamlprof command prints execution counts gathered during the execution of a OCaml
program instrumented with ocamlcp(1).

It produces a source listing of the program modules given as arguments where execution
counts have been inserted as comments. For instance,

ocamlprof foo.ml

prints the source code for the foo module, with comments indicating how many times the
functions in this module have been called. Naturally, this information is accurate only if
the source file has not been modified since the profiling execution took place.


-f dumpfile
Specifies an alternate dump file of profiling information.

-F string
Specifies an additional string to be output with profiling information. By
default, ocamlprof(1) will annotate programs with comments of the form (* n *)
where n is the counter value for a profiling point. With option -F s the annotation
will be (* sn *)

-impl filename
Compile the file filename as an implementation file, even if its extension is not

-intf filename
Compile the file filename as an interface file, even if its extension is not .mli.

Print version string and exit.

-vnum Print short version number and exit.

-help or --help
Display a short usage summary and exit.

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