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onecluster - Online in the Cloud

Run onecluster in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command onecluster that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



onecluster - manages OpenNebula clusters


onecluster command [args] [options]


-l, --list x,y,z Selects columns to display with list command
-d, --delay x Sets the delay in seconds for top command
-f, --filter x,y,z Filter data. An array is specified with
column=value pairs.
--csv Write table in csv format
-x, --xml Show the resource in xml format
-n, --numeric Do not translate user and group IDs
--describe Describe list columns
-a, --append Append new attributes to the current template
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-h, --help Show this message
-V, --version Show version and copyright information
--user name User name used to connect to OpenNebula
--password password Password to authenticate with OpenNebula
--endpoint endpoint URL of OpenNebula xmlrpc frontend


· create name Creates a new Cluster

· delete range|clusterid_list Deletes the given Cluster

· list Lists Clusters in the pool valid options: list, delay, filter, csv, xml, numeric,

· show clusterid Shows information for the given Cluster valid options: xml

· addhost clusterid hostid Adds a Host to the given Cluster

· delhost clusterid hostid Deletes a Host from the given Cluster

· adddatastore clusterid datastoreid Adds a Datastore to the given Cluster

· deldatastore clusterid datastoreid Deletes a Datastore from the given Cluster

· addvnet clusterid vnetid Adds a Virtual Network to the given Cluster

· delvnet clusterid vnetid Deletes a Virtual Network from the given Cluster

· update clusterid [file] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the
editor will be launched to modify the current content. valid options: append

· rename clusterid name Renames the Cluster


· file Path to a file

· range List of id´s in the form 1,8..15

· text String

· clusterid OpenNebula CLUSTER name or id

· clusterid_list Comma-separated list of OpenNebula CLUSTER names or ids

· vnetid OpenNebula VNET name or id

· hostid OpenNebula HOST name or id

· datastoreid OpenNebula DATASTORE name or id

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