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onionshare - Online in the Cloud

Run onionshare in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command onionshare that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



onionshare - a tool for anonymously sharing files over a temporarily set up Tor Hidden


onionshare [options] filename


OnionShare lets you anonymously share files. You host the file on your own computer and
use a Tor hidden service to make it temporarily accessible over the Internet. OnionShare
sets up this hidden service up for you. It then generates an unguessable URL to access and
download the file.

Before you can share a file, you need to open Tor Browser in the background. This will
provide the Tor service that OnionShare uses to start the hidden service. All Tor hidden
services (any website that's accessed through a .onion domain) are automatically end-to-
end encrypted.

In the case of OnionShare, the crypto key lives in /tmp/onionshare/tmpXXX/private_key. The
.onion URL address itself is a fingerprint of the key, which lets the Tor network look up
the public key and start an encrypted session. So as long as you transmit the OnionShare
URL successfully, the recipient who loads it in Tor Browser gets an end-to-end encrypted
session with the server.

The person you want to share the file with just needs to use the Tor Browser to download
the file from you, using the URL you sent to them over another, possibly encrypted,
channel like encrypted e-mail or a chat using OTR.

It takes around 30 seconds until the hidden service is available over the Tor network.

OnionShare's default behaviour is to shut down the hidden service and to stop once the
file has been downloaded. You can prevent this behaviour by invoking the --stay-open
option. This can be useful if you want multiple people to access the same file.


-h display a short help message and exit

don't run a public hidden service, just run on localhost

don't exit after file has been successfully downloaded

enable more verbose output

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