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opam - source-based OCaml package management


opam COMMAND ...


OPAM is a package manager for OCaml. It uses the powerful mancoosi tools to handle
dependencies, including support for version constraints, optional dependencies, and
conflict management.

It has support for different remote repositories such as HTTP, rsync, git, darcs and
mercurial. It handles multiple OCaml versions concurrently, and is flexible enough to
allow you to use your own repositories and packages in addition to the central ones it

Use either opam <command> --help or opam help <command> for more information on a specific


An alias for show.

An alias for repository.

An alias for remove.

An alias for pin remove.


Display configuration options for packages.

Display help about OPAM and OPAM commands.

Initialize OPAM state.

Install a list of packages.

Checks and validate package description ('opam') files.

Display the list of available packages.

pin Pin a given package to a specific version or source.

Reinstall a list of packages.

Remove a list of packages.

Manage OPAM repositories.

Search into the package list.

Display information about specific packages.

Get the source of an OPAM package.

Manage multiple installation of compilers.

Update the list of available packages.

Upgrade the installed package to latest version.


These options are common to all commands.

--color=WHEN (absent=auto)
Colorize the output. WHEN must be one of `always', `never' or `auto'.

Specify user preferences for dependency solving for this run. Overrides both
$OPAMCRITERIA and $OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA. For details on the supported language, and the
external solvers available, see
http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Specifying_Solver_Preferences.html. A general guide to using
solver preferences can be found at http://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/usercriteria.pdf.
The default value is
for upgrades, and

Debug option: Save the CUDF requests sent to the solver to FILENAME-<n>.cudf.

Print debug message to stderr. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMDEBUG to "true".

Like `--debug', but allows specifying the debug level (`--debug' sets it to 1).
Equivalent to setting $OPAMDEBUG to a positive integer.

Print the git version if it exists and exit.

--help[=FMT] (default=pager)
Show this help in format FMT (pager, plain or groff).

Do not install base packages (useful for testing purposes). This is equivalent to
setting $OPAMNOBASEPACKAGES to a non-empty string.

OPAM will replace itself with a newer binary found at OPAMROOT/opam if present. This
disables this behaviour.

-q, --quiet
Be quiet when installing a new compiler.

--root=ROOT (absent=~/.opam)
Use ROOT as the current root path. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMROOT to ROOT.

Make sure nothing will be automatically updated or rewritten. Useful for calling from
completion scripts, for example. Will fail whenever such an operation is needed ; also
avoids waiting for locks, skips interactive questions and overrides the OPAMDEBUG

Specify the name of the external dependency solver. The default value is aspcud.
Either 'aspcud', 'packup' or a custom command that may contain the variables
%{input}%, %{output}% and %{criteria}%

Fail whenever an error is found in a package definition or a configuration file. The
default is to continue silently if possible.

Use SWITCH as the current compiler switch. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMSWITCH

--use-internal-solver, --no-aspcud
Force use of internal heuristics, even if an external solver is available.

-v, --verbose
Be more verbose, show package sub-commands and their output. Repeat to see more.
Repeating n times is equivalent to setting $OPAMVERBOSE to "n".

Show version information.

-y, --yes
Disable interactive mode and answer yes to all questions that would otherwise be asked
to the user. This is equivalent to setting $OPAMYES to "true".


OPAM makes use of the environment variables listed here. Boolean variables should be set
to "0", "no" of "false" to disable, "1", "yes" or "true" to enable.

OPAMCOLOR, when set to always or never, sets a default value for the --color option.

OPAMCRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving.The default value is
See also option --criteria

OPAMCURL can be used to select a given 'curl' program. See OPAMFETCH for more options.

OPAMDEBUG see options `--debug' and `--debug-level'.

OPAMDOWNLOADJOBS sets the maximum number of simultaneous downloads.

OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER see option `--solver'.

OPAMFETCH specifies how to download files: either `wget', `curl' or a custom command where
variables %{url}%, %{out}%, %{retries}%, %{compress}% and %{checksum}% will be replaced.
Overrides the 'download-command' value from the main config file.

OPAMJOBS sets the maximum number of parallel workers to run.

OPAMLOCKRETRIES sets the number of tries after which OPAM gives up acquiring its lock and
fails. <= 0 means infinite wait.

OPAMNO answer no to any question asked.

OPAMNOASPCUD see option `--no-aspcud'.

OPAMNOSELFUPGRADE see option `--no-self-upgrade'.

OPAMPINKINDAUTO if set, version control systems are detected when pinning to a local path.

OPAMREQUIRECHECKSUMS see option `--require-checksums'.

OPAMRETRY sets the number of tries before failing downloads.

OPAMROOT see option `--root'. This is automatically set by `opam config env --root=DIR'
when DIR is non-default or OPAMROOT is already defined.

OPAMSAFE see option `--safe'

OPAMSKIPVERSIONCHECKS bypasses some version checks. Unsafe, for compatibility testing

OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT change the time allowance of the internal solver.

OPAMSTATUSLINE display a dynamic status line showing what's currently going on on the
terminal. (one of one of `always', `never' or `auto')

OPAMSWITCH see option `--switch'. Automatically set by `opam config env --switch=SWITCH'.

OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving when performing an
upgrade. Overrides OPAMCRITERIA in upgrades if both are set.The default value is
See also option --criteria

OPAMUSEINTERNALSOLVER see option `--use-internal-solver'.

OPAMUTF8 use UTF8 characters in output (one of one of `always', `never' or `auto'). By
default `auto', which is determined from the locale).

OPAMUTF8MSGS use extended UTF8 characters (camels) in OPAM messages. Implies OPAMUTF8.
This is set by default on OSX only.

OPAMVAR_var overrides the contents of the variable var when substituting `%{var}%` strings
in `opam` files.

OPAMVAR_package_var overrides the contents of the variable package:var when substituting
`%{package:var}%` strings in `opam` files.

OPAMVERBOSE see option `--verbose'.

OPAMYES see option `--yes'.


See https://opam.ocaml.org.


Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>
Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>
Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>
Frederic Tuong <tuong@users.gforge.inria.fr>
Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>
Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>
Guillem Rieu <guillem.rieu@ocamlpro.com>
Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>

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