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open-axiom - Online in the Cloud

Run open-axiom in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command open-axiom that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



open-axiom - open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations


open-axiom [options] [file]


General options:
--help Print this information and exit.

Print OpenAxiom version and exit.

Make the system more talkative. The interpreter echos commands and prints results
as if in toplevel read-eval-print loop.

Execute the file argument as a Spad script. If specified, this option should be
last before file argument.

Invoke the compiler on the file argument. If specified, this option should be last
before file argument.

Start the Superman as master process.

Do not start Superman as master process.

Superman options:
Do not start the Graphics or HyperDoc components.

Start the Graphics component. This option is meaningful only if OpenAxiom was
built with graphics support.

Do not start the Graphics component.

Start the HyperDoc component. This option is meaningful only if OpenAxiom was
built with graphics support.

Do not start the HyperDoc component.

--execute cmd args
execute `cmd' with arguments `args'

Compiler options:
Set compiler optimization level to <n>, a natural number.

If invoked without options and without an input file OpenAxiom will start as an interative
program with Superman as the master process, the majority of uses. If invoked with a file
as single argument, OpenAxiom assumes the file is a Spad script and will attempt to
execute it as such.

Submit bug report to [email protected]

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