ops2c - Online in the Cloud

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ops2c - Convert Parrot opcodes to C


ops2c [option]


Translate Parrot opcode files (.ops) to C files.

Command line Options
For help, use :


To generate the C code for core ops (must be run from within Parrot's build directory),
use :


To generate the C code for dynamic ops in a single .ops file, use :

-d <file.ops>
--dynamic <file.ops>

To suppress error messages, use :


To suppress #line directives in generated C code (line numbers are not currently
supported), use :


For debugging option : To perform all processing without writing to any files, use :



For more help or any other question you go to <http://parrot.org> or
<http://github.com/parrot/parrot>.Or you can send email to 'parrot-dev@parrot.org'. You
are also invited to join the #parrot IRC channel on irc.parrot.org.

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