osmium-merge-changes - Online in the Cloud

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osmium-merge-changes - merge several OSM change files into one


osmium merge-changes [OPTIONS] CHANGE-FILE...


Merges the content of all change files given on the command line into one large change
file. Objects are sorted by type, ID, and version, so it doesn't matter in what order the
change files are given or in what order they contain the data.

osmium merge does its work in main memory, so all data has to fit in there!


-f, --output-format=FORMAT
The format of the output file. Can be used to set the output file format if it
can't be autodetected from the output file name. See osmium-file-formats(5) or the
libosmium manual for details.

-F, --input-format=FORMAT
The format of the input files. Can be used to set the input format if it can't be
autodetected from the file names. This will set the format for all input files,
there is no way to set the format for some input files only. See
osmium-file-formats(5) or the libosmium manual for details.

The name and version of the program generating the output file. It will be added
to the header of the output file. Default is "osmium/" and the version of osmium.

-o, --output=FILE
Name of the output file. Default is '-' (stdout).

Add output header option. This option can be given several times. See the
libosmium manual for a list of allowed header options.

-O, --overwrite
Allow an existing output file to be overwritten. Normally osmium will refuse to
write over an existing file.

Call fsync after writing the output file to force the OS to flush buffers to disk.

-s, --simplify
Only write the last version of any object to the output.

-v, --verbose
Set verbose mode. The program will output information about what it is doing to


osmium merge-changes exits with exit code

0 if everything went alright,

1 if there was an error processing the data, or

2 if there was a problem with the command line arguments.


Merge all changes in changes directory into all.osc.gz:

osmium merge-changes -o all.osc.gz changes/*.gz

Because osmium merge-changes sorts its input, you can also use it to sort just a single
change file:

osmium merge-changes unsorted.osc.gz -o sorted.osc.gz

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