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osmium-time-filter - Online in the Cloud

Run osmium-time-filter in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command osmium-time-filter that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



osmium-time-filter - filter OSM data by time from a history file


osmium time-filter [OPTIONS] INPUT-FILE [TIME]


Copy all objects that were valid at the given TIME or in the time period between FROM-TIME
(inclusive) and TO-TIME (not inclusive) from the input file into the output file. If no
time is given, the current time is used.

Usually the INPUT-FILE will be an OSM data file with history. If both FROM-TIME and
TO-TIME are given, the result will also have history data, it will also include deleted
versions of objects.

If only a single point in time was given, the result will be a normal OSM file without
history containing no deleted objects.

The format for the timestamps is "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm::ssZ".


-f, --output-format=FORMAT
The format of the output file. Can be used to set the output file format if it
can't be autodetected from the output file name. See osmium-file-formats(5) or the
libosmium manual for details.

-F, --input-format=FORMAT
The format of the input file. Can be used to set the input file format if it can't
be autodetected from the file name. See osmium-file-formats(5) or the libosmium
manual for details.

The name and version of the program generating the output file. It will be added
to the header of the output file. Default is "osmium/" and the version of osmium.

-o, --output=FILE
Name of the output file. Default is '-' (stdout).

Add output header option. This option can be given several times. See the
libosmium manual for a list of allowed header options.

-O, --overwrite
Allow an existing output file to be overwritten. Normally osmium will refuse to
write over an existing file.

Call fsync after writing the output file to force the OS to flush buffers to disk.

-v, --verbose
Set verbose mode. The program will output information about what it is doing to


osmium time-filter exits with exit code

0 if everything went alright,

1 if there was an error processing the data, or

2 if there was a problem with the command line arguments.


Extract current planet file from history planet:

osmium time-filter -o planet.osm.pbf history-planet.osh.pbf

Extract planet data how it appeared on January 1 2008 from history planet:

osmium time-filter -o planet-20080101.osm.pbf history-planet.osh.pbf 2008-01-01T00:00:00Z

Use osmium-time-filter online using onworks.net services

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