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otangle - Online in the Cloud

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tangle - translate WEB to Pascal


tangle [options] webfile[.web] [changefile[.ch]]


This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for this
version of TeX can be found in the info file or manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

The tangle program converts a Web source document into a Pascal program that may be
compiled in the usual way with the on-line Pascal compiler (e.g., pc(1)). The output file
is packed into lines of 72 characters or less, with the only concession to readability
being the termination of lines at semicolons when this can be done conveniently.

The Web language allows you to prepare a single document containing all the information
that is needed both to produce a compilable Pascal program and to produce a well-formatted
document describing the program in as much detail as the writer may desire. The user of
Web must be familiar with both TeX and Pascal. Web also provides a relatively simple,
although adequate, macro facility that permits a Pascal program to be written in small
easily-understood modules.

The command line should have either one or two names on it. The first is taken as the Web
file (and .web is added if there is no extension). If there is another name, it is a
change file (and .ch is added if there is no extension). The change file overrides parts
of the Web file, as described in the Web system documentation.

The output files are a Pascal file and a string pool file, whose names are formed by
adding .p and .pool respectively to the root of the Web file name.


This version of tangle understands the following options. Note that some of these options
may render the output unsuitable for processing by a Pascal compiler.

--help Print help message and exit.

--length number
Compare only the first number characters of identifiers when checking for
collisions. The default is 32, the original tangle used 7.

When checking for collisions between identifiers, honor the settings of the
--lowercase, --mixedcase, --uppercase, and --underline options. This is the

Convert all identifiers to lowercase.

Retain the case of identifiers. This is the default.

When checking for collisions between identifiers, strip underlines and convert all
identifiers to uppercase first.

Retain underlines (also known as underscores) in identifiers.

Convert all identifiers to uppercase. This is the behaviour of the original

Print version information and exit.


The environment variable WEBINPUTS is used to search for the input files, or the system
default if WEBINPUTS is not set. See tex(1) for the details of the searching.

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