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pair_align - Pairwise alignment


pair_align [OPTIONS] -s IN.fa


The program allows to align two sequences using dyamic programming alignment
algorithms while tweaking various parameters.

-h, --help

Displays this help message.


Display version information

Main Options:

-s, --seq IN.fa

FASTA file with two sequences. Valid filetypes are: fasta and fa.

-a, --alphabet ALPHABET

Sequence alphabet. One of protein, dna, rna, and text. Default: protein.

-m, --method METHOD

DP alignment method: Needleman-Wunsch, Gotoh, Smith-Waterman, Longest Common
Subsequence One of nw, gotoh, sw, and lcs. Default: gotoh.

-o, --outfile OUT

Output filename. Valid filetypes are: fa, fasta, and msf. Default: out.fasta.

Scoring Options:

-g, --gop INT

Gap open penalty. Default: -11.

-e, --gex INT

Gap extension penalty. Default: -1.

-ma, --matrix MATRIX_FILE

Score matrix.

-ms, --msc INT

Match score. Default: 5.

-mm, --mmsc INT

Mismatch penalty. Default: -4.

Banded Alignment Options:

-lo, --low INT

Lower diagonal.

-hi, --high INT

Upper diagonal.

DP Matrix Configuration Options:

-c, --config CONF

Alignment configuration. One of ffff, ffft, fftf, fftt, ftff, ftft, fttf, fttt,
tfff, tfft, tftf, tftt, ttff, ttft, tttf, and tttt.


The alignment configuration is a string of four characters, each being either t or
f. All combinations are allowed. The meaning is as follows.

tfff First row initialized with 0s.

ftff First column initialized with 0s.

fftf Search last column for maximum.

ffft Search last row for maximum.


pair_align version: 1.1 Last update November 2012

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