pcl_openni_feature_persistence - Online in the Cloud

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pcl_openni_feature_persistence - pcl_openni_feature_persistence


OpenNIFeaturePersistence - show persistent features based on the
MultiscaleFeaturePersistence class using the FPFH features

usage: pcl_openni_feature_persistence <device_id> <options>

where options are:

-octree_leaf_size X = size of the leaf for the octree-based subsampling filter (default:

-normal_search_radius X = size of the neighborhood to consider for calculating the local
plane and extracting the normals (default: 0.041

-persistence_alpha X = value of alpha for the multiscale feature persistence (default: 1.2

-scales X1 X2 ... = values for the multiple scales for extracting features (default: 0.21

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