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pcond - condition a RADIANCE picture for output


pcond [ options ] input [ output ]


Pcond conditions a Radiance picture for output to a display or hard copy device. If the
dynamic range of the scene exceeds that of the display (as is usually the case), pcond
will compress the dynamic range of the picture such that both dark and bright regions are
visible. In addition, certain limitations in human vision may be mimicked in order to
provide an appearance similar to the experience one might have in the actual scene.

Command line switches turn flags off and on, changing program behavior. A switch given by
itself toggles the flag from off to on or on to off depending on its previous state. A
switch followed by a '+' turns the option on explicitly. A switch followed by a '-' turns
the option off. The default is all switches off. Other options specify output device
parameters in order to get more accurate color and contrast.

-h[+-] Mimic human visual response in the output. The goal of this process is to
produce output that correlates strongly with a person's subjective impression of
a scene. This switch is a bundle of the -a, -v, -s and -c options.

-a[+-] Defocus darker regions of the image to simulate human visual acuity loss. This
option will not affect well-lit scenes.

-v[+-] Add veiling glare due to very bright regions in the image. This simulates
internal scattering in the human eye, which results in a loss of visible
contrast near bright sources.

-s[+-] Use the human contrast sensitivity function in determining the exposure for the
image. A darker scene will have relatively lower exposure with lower contrast
than a well-lit scene.

-c[+-] If parts of the image are in the mesopic or scotopic range where the cone
photoreceptors lose their efficiency, this switch will cause a corresponding
loss of color visibility in the output and a shift to a scotopic (blue-dominant)
response function.

-w[+-] Use a center-weighted average for the exposure rather than the default uniform
average. This may improve the exposure for scenes with high or low peripheral

-i fixfrac
Set the relative importance of fixation points to fixfrac, which is a value
between 0 and 1. If fixfrac is zero (the default), then no fixation points are
used in determining the local or global adaptation. If fixfrac is greater than
zero, then a list of fixation points is read from the standard input. These
points are given as tab-separated (x,y) picture coordinates, such as those
produced by the -op option of ximage(1). The foveal samples about these
fixation points will then be weighted together with the global averaging scheme
such that the fixations receive fixfrac of the total weight. If fixfrac is one,
then only the fixation points are considered for adaptation.

-I[+-] Rather than computing a histogram of foveal samples from the source picture, use
the precomputed histogram provided on the standard input. This data should be
given in pairs of the base-10 logarithm of world luminance and a count for each
bin in ascending order, as computed by the phisto(1) script. This option is
useful for producing identical exposures of multiple pictures (as in an
animation), and provides greater control over the histogram computation.

-l[+-] Use a linear response function rather than the standard dynamic range
compression algorithm. This will prevent the loss of usable physical values in
the output picture, although some parts of the resulting image may be too dark
or too bright to see.

-e expval Set the exposure adjustment for the picture to expval. This may either be a
real multiplier, or a (fractional) number of f-stops preceeded by a '+' or '-'.
This option implies a linear response (see the -l option above).

-u Ldmax Specifies the top of the luminance range for the target output device. That is,
the luminance (in candelas/m^2) for an output pixel value of (R,G,B)=(1,1,1).
The default value is 100 cd/m^2.

-d Lddyn Specifies the dynamic range for the target output device, which is the ratio of
the maximum and minimum usable display luminances. The default value is 32.

-p xr yr xg yg xb yb xw yw
Specifies the RGB primaries for the target output device. These are the 1931
CIE (x,y) chromaticity values for red, green, blue and white, respectively.

-f macbeth.cal
Use the given output file from macbethcal(1) to precorrect the color and
contrast for the target output device. This does a more thorough job than a
simple primary correction using the -p option. Only one of -f or -p may be

-x mapfile
Put out the final mapping from world luminance to display luminance to mapfile.
This file will contain values from the minimum usable world luminance to the
maximum (in candelas/m^2) in one column, and their corresponding display
luminance values (also in candelas/m^2) in the second column. This file may be
used for debugging purposes, or to plot the mapping function created by pcond.


To display an image as a person might perceive it in the actual scene:

pcond -h final.hdr > display.hdr
ximage display.hdr ; rm display.hdr &

To do the same on a 24-bit display with known primary values:

setenv DISPLAY_PRIMARIES ".580 .340 .281 .570 .153 .079 .333 .333"
pcond -h -p $DISPLAY_PRIMARIES final.hdr | ximage &

To prepare a picture to be sent to a film recorder destined eventually for a slide
projector with a minimum and maximum screen luminance of 1.5 and 125 candelas/m^2,

pcond -d 83 -u 125 final.hdr > film.hdr

To do the same if the output colors of the standard image "ray/lib/lib/macbeth_spec.hdr"
have been measured:

macbethcal -c mbfilm.xyY > film.cal
pcond -d 83 -u 125 -f film.cal final.hdr > film.hdr

To further tweak the exposure to bring out certain areas indicated by dragging the right
mouse button over them in ximage:

ximage -op -t 75 final.hdr | pcond -i .5 -d 83 -u 125 -f film.cal final.hdr > film.hdr

To use a histogram computed on every 10th animation frame:

phisto frame*0.hdr > global.hist
pcond -I -s -c frame0352.hdr < global.hist | ra_tiff - frame0352.tif


Greg Ward Larson, Holly Rushmeier, Christine Piatko, ``A Visibility Matching Tone
Reproduction Operator for High Dynamic Range Scenes,'' IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics , December 1997.


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