pdlzip - Online in the Cloud

This is the command pdlzip that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pdlzip - reduces the size of files


pdlzip [options] [files]


Pdlzip - A "public domain" version of the lzip data compressor also able to decompress
legacy lzma-alone (.lzma) files. Lzma-alone is a very bad format. If you keep any
lzma-alone files, it is advisable to recompress them to lzip format.


-h, --help
display this help and exit

-V, --version
output version information and exit

-c, --stdout
send output to standard output

-d, --decompress

-f, --force
overwrite existing output files

-F, --recompress
force re-compression of compressed files

-k, --keep
keep (don't delete) input files

-m, --match-length=<bytes>
set match length limit in bytes [36]

-o, --output=<file>
if reading stdin, place the output into <file>

-q, --quiet
suppress all messages

-s, --dictionary-size=<bytes>
set dictionary size limit in bytes [8 MiB]

-t, --test
test compressed file integrity

-v, --verbose
be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more)

-1 .. -9
set compression level [default 6]

--fast alias for -1

--best alias for -9

If no file names are given, pdlzip compresses or decompresses from standard input to
standard output. Numbers may be followed by a multiplier: k = kB = 10^3 = 1000, Ki = KiB
= 2^10 = 1024, M = 10^6, Mi = 2^20, G = 10^9, Gi = 2^30, etc... The bidimensional
parameter space of LZMA can't be mapped to a linear scale optimal for all files. If your
files are large, very repetitive, etc, you may need to use the --match-length and
--dictionary-size options directly to achieve optimal performance. For example, -9m64
usually compresses executables more (and faster) than -9.

Exit status: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental problems (file not found, invalid
flags, I/O errors, etc), 2 to indicate a corrupt or invalid input file, 3 for an internal
consistency error (eg, bug) which caused pdlzip to panic.


Report bugs to lzip-bug@nongnu.org
Pdlzip home page: http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/pdlzip.html


Copyright © 2015 Antonio Diaz Diaz. Public Domain 2009 Igor Pavlov. License 2-clause
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY,
to the extent permitted by law.

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