peet - Online in the Cloud

This is the command peet that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



peet - piped reverse tee: read from many file descriptors and copy to one


peet [-h] [-w outfd] infd1 [infd2 ...]


peet reads from many file descriptors and copies everything to one file descriptor. If no
file descriptor is given ('-w' option), 1 (stdout) is used.

peet is text line based - i.e. only complete lines are written. The order of lines
written to the output file descriptor is pure random when there is more then one file
descriptor where a complete line can be read from.

peet can be used with pipexec(1) to de-multiplex text based output.


-h print help and version information

-w outfd
use the given outfd as output file descriptor. If this option is not specified, 1
(stdout) is used.


Read from stdin (fd 0), and file descriptors 9 and 11 and write to stdout.
peet 0 9 11

Using pipexec(1): start two commands, both write their log to stdout and use one instance
of rotatelogs(1) to write the logs to disk into a common log file: (The file descriptors 8
and 11 are chosen by random.)
pipexec [ CMD1 /usr/bin/cmd1 ] [ CMD2 /usr/bin/cmd2 ]
[ PEET /usr/bin/peet 8 11 ]
[ RLOGS /usr/bin/rotatelogs /var/log/%Y%m%d_cmd.log ]
"{CMD1:1>PEET:8}" "{CMD2:1>PEET:11}"

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