pegasus-invoke - Online in the Cloud

This is the command pegasus-invoke that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pegasus-invoke - invokes a command from a file


pegasus-invoke ( app | @fn ) [ arg | *@fn [..]]


The pegasus-invoke tool invokes a single application with as many arguments as your Unix
permits (128k characters for Linux). Arguments are come from two places, either the
command-line as regular arguments, or from a special file, which contains one argument per

The pegasus-invoke tool became necessary to work around the 4k argument length limit in
Condor. It also permits to use arguments inside argument files without worry about shell,
Condor or Globus escape necessities. All argument file contents are passed as is, one line
per argument entry.


This option increases the debug level. Currently, only debugging or no debugging is
distinguished. Debug message are generated on stdout . By default, debugging is

This option prints the help message and exits the program.

This option stops any option processing. It may only be necessary, if the application
is stated on the command-line, and starts with a hyphen itself.The first argument must
either be the application to run as fully-specified location (either absolute, or
relative to current wd), or a file containing one argument per line. The PATH
environment variables is not used to locate an application. Subsequent arguments may
either be specified explicitely on the commandline. Any argument that starts with an
at (@) sign is taken to introduce a filename, which contains one argument per line.
The textual file may contain long arguments and filenames. However, Unices still
impose limits on the maximum length of a directory name, and the maximum length of a
file name. These lengths are not checked, because pegasus-invoke is oblivious of the
application (e.g. what argument is a filename, and what argument is a mere string
resembling a filename).


The pegasus-invoke tool returns 127, if it was unable to find the application. It returns
126, if there was a problem parsing the file. All other exit status, including 126 and
127, come from the application.

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