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perlindex - index and query perl manual pages


perlindex -index

perlindex tell me where the flowers are


""perlindex -index"" generates an AnyDBM_File index which can be searched with free text
queries ""perlindex" a verbose query".

Each word of the query is searched in the index and a score is generated for each document
containing it. Scores for all words are added and the documents with the highest score are
printed. All words are stemed with Porters algorithm (see Text::English) before indexing
and searching happens.

The score is computed as:

$score{$document} += $tf{$word,$document}/$maxtf{$document}
* log ($N/$n{$word});


$N is the number of documents in the index,

$n{$word} is the number of documents containing the word,

is the number of occurances of word in the document, and

is the maximum freqency of any word in document.


All options may be abreviated.

-maxhits maxhits
Maximum numer of hits to display. Default is 15.

-nomenu Use the matches as menu for calling "man". Default is -menu.q

-nocbreak Switch to cbreak in menu mode or don't. -cbreak is the default.

-verbose Generates additional information which query words have been not found in the
database and which words of the query are stopwords.

-conf Use another config than the default config (/etc/perlindex/config).


perlindex foo bar

1 3.735 lib/pod/perlbot.pod
2 2.640 lib/pod/perlsec.pod
3 2.153 lib/pod/perldata.pod
4 1.920 lib/
5 1.802 lib/pod/perlsub.pod
6 1.586 lib/Getopt/
7 1.190 lib/File/
8 1.042 lib/pod/perlop.pod
9 0.857 lib/pod/perlre.pod
a 0.830 lib/
b 0.691 lib/
c 0.691 lib/
d 0.680 lib/pod/perlpod.pod
e 0.680 lib/File/
f 0.626 lib/pod/perlsyn.pod
Enter Number or 'q'>

Hitting the keys 1 to "f" will display the corresponding manual page. Hitting "q" quits.
All other keys display this manual page.

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