pfsstat - Online in the Cloud

This is the command pfsstat that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pfsstat - Show frame / image statistics




This command will show a short text statistic on each image in the pfs stream. In the
statistics you can find:

File - name of the input file

Width, Height - image dimensions

Minimum - minimum luminance of an image(*), given in linear
units (relative luminance in cd/m^2) and logarithmic units

Maximum - maximum luminance of an image(*)

Average - average luminance of an image(*)

Mean - mean luminance of an image(*)

(*) Before min, max, average, median and dynamic range is computed, the following
processing is performed on an image: 1) negative and zero values are replaced with the
smallest positive value (to compute logarithms); 2) the image is low-pass filtered. The
low-pass filtering removes few very dark or very bright pixels that can significantly
influence estimation of the dynamic range. The percentile, instead of a low-pass filter,
is sometimes used for the same purpose. However, a low-pass filter is preferred to the
percentile in pfstools since, taking into account the processing that is happening in the
human visual system, low-frequency band filter is more plausible.

Note: This command requires GNU Octave.


pfsin memorial.hdr | pfsstat

Show statistics for the memorial image.

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