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pgAgent - a job scheduler for PostgreSQL.


pgagent [-f | -t seconds | -r seconds | -l number] {<connect string>}


Introduced in pgAdmin III v1.4, pgAgent is a job scheduling agent for PostgreSQL, capable
of running multi-step batch/shell and SQL tasks on complex schedules.

Full documentation of pgAgent is available in pgAdmin III's online help. Launch pgAdmin
III (simply type pgadmin3 at command prompt) and select "Help..." from the "Help" menu.
Browse through the pgAdmin III documentation until you find "pgAgent". Both database setup
and system part of the installation are detailed. You will also find instructions to
create jobs and schedules.


-f run in the foreground (do not detach from the terminal)

-t seconds
poll time interval in seconds (default 10)

-r seconds
retry period after connection abort in seconds (>=10, default 30)

-s file
log file (messages are logged to STDOUT if not specified)

-l verbosity
logging verbosity (ERROR=0, WARNING=1, DEBUG=2, default 0)

<connect string>
The connect string required is a standard PostgreSQL libpq connection string (see
the PostgreSQL documentation for further details). For example, the following
command line will run pgAgent against a server listening on the localhost, using a
database called 'pgadmin', connecting as the user 'postgres': /usr/bin/pgagent
hostaddr= dbname=pgadmin user=postgres

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