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pgBadger - a fast PostgreSQL log analysis report


Usage: pgbadger [options] logfile [...]

PostgreSQL log analyzer with fully detailed reports and graphs.


logfile can be a single log file, a list of files, or a shell command
returning a list of files. If you want to pass log content from stdin
use - as filename. Note that input from stdin will not work with csvlog.
You can also use a file containing a list of log file to parse, see -L
command line option.


-a | --average minutes : number of minutes to build the average graphs of
queries and connections. Default 5 minutes.
-A | --histo-avg minutes: number of minutes to build the histogram graphs
of queries. Default 60 minutes.
-b | --begin datetime : start date/time for the data to be parsed in log.
-B | --bar-graph : use bar graph instead of line by default.
-c | --dbclient host : only report on entries for the given client host.
-C | --nocomment : remove comments like /* ... */ from queries.
-d | --dbname database : only report on entries for the given database.
-D | --dns-resolv : client ip adresses are replaced by their DNS name.
Be warned that this can really slow down pgBadger.
-e | --end datetime : end date/time for the data to be parsed in log.
-f | --format logtype : possible values: syslog, syslog2, stderr and csv.
Default: stderr.
-G | --nograph : disable graphs on HTML output. Enabled by default.
-h | --help : show this message and exit.
-i | --ident name : programname used as syslog ident. Default: postgres
-I | --incremental : use incremental mode, reports will be generated by
days in a separate directory, --outdir must be set.
-j | --jobs number : number of jobs to run at same time. Default is 1,
run as single process.
-J | --Jobs number : number of log file to parse in parallel. Default
is 1, run as single process.
-l | --last-parsed file: allow incremental log parsing by registering the
last datetime and line parsed. Useful if you want
to watch errors since last run or if you want one
report per day with a log rotated each week.
-L | logfile-list file : file containing a list of log file to parse.
-m | --maxlength size : maximum length of a query, it will be restricted to
the given size. Default: no truncate
-M | --no-multiline : do not collect multiline statement to avoid garbage
especially on errors that generate a huge report.
-n | --nohighlight : disable SQL code highlighting.
-N | --appname name : only report on entries for given application name
-o | --outfile filename: define the filename for the output. Default depends
on the output format: out.html, out.txt, out.bin,
out.json or out.tsung.
With module JSON::XS installed, you can output file
in JSON format either.
To dump output to stdout use - as filename.
-O | --outdir path : directory where out file must be saved.
-p | --prefix string : the value of your custom log_line_prefix as
defined in your postgresql.conf. Only use it if you
aren't using one of the standard prefixes specified
in the pgBadger documentation, such as if your
prefix includes additional variables like client ip
or application name. See examples below.
-P | --no-prettify : disable SQL queries prettify formatter.
-q | --quiet : don't print anything to stdout, not even a progress
-r | --remote-host ip : set the host where to execute the cat command on
remote logfile to parse localy the file.
-R | --retention N : number of week to keep in incremental mode. Default
to 0, disabled. Used to set the number of weel to
keep in output directory. Older weeks and days
directory are automatically removed.
-s | --sample number : number of query samples to store. Default: 3.
-S | --select-only : only report SELECT queries.
-t | --top number : number of queries to store/display. Default: 20.
-T | --title string : change title of the HTML page report.
-u | --dbuser username : only report on entries for the given user.
-U | --exclude-user username : exclude entries for the specified user from
-v | --verbose : enable verbose or debug mode. Disabled by default.
-V | --version : show pgBadger version and exit.
-w | --watch-mode : only report errors just like logwatch could do.
-x | --extension : output format. Values: text, html, bin, json or
tsung. Default: html
-X | --extra-files : in incremetal mode allow pgbadger to write CSS and
JS files in the output directory as separate files.
-z | --zcat exec_path : set the full path to the zcat program. Use it if
zcat or bzcat or unzip is not in your path.
--pie-limit num : pie data lower than num% will show a sum instead.
--exclude-query regex : any query matching the given regex will be excluded
from the report. For example: "^(VACUUM|COMMIT)"
You can use this option multiple times.
--exclude-file filename: path of the file which contains all the regex to
use to exclude queries from the report. One regex
per line.
--include-query regex : any query that does not match the given regex will
be excluded from the report. You can use this
option multiple times. For example: "(tbl1|tbl2)".
--include-file filename: path of the file which contains all the regex of
the queries to include from the report. One regex
per line.
--disable-error : do not generate error report.
--disable-hourly : do not generate hourly report.
--disable-type : do not generate report of queries by type, database
or user.
--disable-query : do not generate query reports (slowest, most
frequent, queries by users, by database, ...).
--disable-session : do not generate session report.
--disable-connection : do not generate connection report.
--disable-lock : do not generate lock report.
--disable-temporary : do not generate temporary report.
--disable-checkpoint : do not generate checkpoint/restartpoint report.
--disable-autovacuum : do not generate autovacuum report.
--charset : used to set the HTML charset to be used.
Default: utf-8.
--csv-separator : used to set the CSV field separator, default: ,
--exclude-time regex : any timestamp matching the given regex will be
excluded from the report. Example: "2013-04-12 .*"
You can use this option multiple times.
--exclude-appname name : exclude entries for the specified application name
from report. Example: "pg_dump".
--exclude-line regex : pgbadger will start to exclude any log entry that
will match the given regex. Can be used multiple
--anonymize : obscure all literals in queries, useful to hide
confidential data.
--noreport : prevent pgbadger to create reports in incremental
--log-duration : force pgbadger to associate log entries generated
by both log_duration = on and log_statement = 'all'
--enable-checksum : used to add a md5 sum under each query report.

pgBadger is able to parse a remote log file using a passwordless ssh connection. Use the
-r or --remote-host to set the host ip address or hostname. There's also some additional
options to fully control the ssh connection.

--ssh-program ssh path to the ssh program to use. Default: ssh.
--ssh-user username connection login name. Default to running user.
--ssh-identity file path to the identity file to use.
--ssh-timeout second timeout to ssh connection failure. Default 10 secs.
--ssh-options options list of -o options to use for the ssh connection.
Options always used:
-o ConnectTimeout=$ssh_timeout
-o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey


pgbadger /var/log/postgresql.log
pgbadger /var/log/postgres.log.2.gz /var/log/postgres.log.1.gz
pgbadger /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-2012-05-*
pgbadger --exclude-query="^(COPY|COMMIT)" /var/log/postgresql.log
pgbadger -b "2012-06-25 10:56:11" -e "2012-06-25 10:59:11"
cat /var/log/postgres.log | pgbadger -
# Log prefix with stderr log output
perl pgbadger --prefix '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h'
perl pgbadger --prefix '%m %u@%d %p %r %a : ' /pglog/postgresql.log
# Log line prefix with syslog log output
perl pgbadger --prefix 'user=%u,db=%d,client=%h,app=%a'
# Use my 8 CPUs to parse my 10GB file faster, much faster
perl pgbadger -j 8 /pglog/postgresql-9.1-main.log

Generate Tsung sessions XML file with select queries only:

perl pgbadger -S -o sessions.tsung --prefix '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d ' /pglog/postgresql-9.1.log

Reporting errors every week by cron job:

30 23 * * 1 /usr/bin/pgbadger -q -w /var/log/postgresql.log -o /var/reports/pg_errors.html

Generate report every week using incremental behavior:

0 4 * * 1 /usr/bin/pgbadger -q `find /var/log/ -mtime -7 -name "postgresql.log*"`
-o /var/reports/pg_errors-`date +%F`.html -l /var/reports/pgbadger_incremental_file.dat

This supposes that your log file and HTML report are also rotated every week.

Or better, use the auto-generated incremental reports:

0 4 * * * /usr/bin/pgbadger -I -q /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log.1
-O /var/www/pg_reports/

will generate a report per day and per week.

In incremental mode, you can also specify the number of week to keep in the reports:

/usr/bin/pgbadger --retention 2 -I -q /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log.1
-O /var/www/pg_reports/

If you have a pg_dump at 23:00 and 13:00 each day during half an hour, you can use
pgbadger as follow to exclude these period from the report:

pgbadger --exclude-time "2013-09-.* (23|13):.*" postgresql.log

This will help avoid having COPY statements, as generated by pg_dump, on top of the list
of slowest queries. You can also use --exclude-appname "pg_dump" to solve this problem in
a simpler way.


pgBadger is a PostgreSQL log analyzer build for speed with fully detailed reports from
your PostgreSQL log file. It's a single and small Perl script that outperform any other
PostgreSQL log analyzer.

It is written in pure Perl language and uses a javascript library (flotr2) to draw graphs
so that you don't need to install any additional Perl modules or other packages.
Furthermore, this library gives us more features such as zooming. pgBadger also uses the
Bootstrap javascript library and the FontAwesome webfont for better design. Everything is

pgBadger is able to autodetect your log file format (syslog, stderr or csvlog). It is
designed to parse huge log files as well as gzip compressed file. See a complete list of
features below. Supported compressed format are gzip, bzip2 and xz. For the last one you
must have a xz version upper than 5.05 that support the --robot option.

All charts are zoomable and can be saved as PNG images.

You can also limit pgBadger to only report errors or remove any part of the report using
command line options.

pgBadger supports any custom format set into the log_line_prefix directive of your
postgresql.conf file as long as it at least specify the %t and %p patterns.

pgBadger allow parallel processing on a single log file and multiple files through the use
of the -j option and the number of CPUs as value.

If you want to save system performance you can also use log_duration instead of
log_min_duration_statement to have reports on duration and number of queries only.


pgBadger reports everything about your SQL queries:

Overall statistics
The most frequent waiting queries.
Queries that waited the most.
Queries generating the most temporary files.
Queries generating the largest temporary files.
The slowest queries.
Queries that took up the most time.
The most frequent queries.
The most frequent errors.
Histogram of query times.
Histogram of sessions times.
Users involved in top queries.
Applications involved in top queries.
Queries generating the most cancellation.
Queries most cancelled.

The following reports are also available with hourly charts divide by periods of five

SQL queries statistics.
Temporary file statistics.
Checkpoints statistics.
Autovacuum and autoanalyze statistics.
Cancelled queries.
Error events (panic, fatal, error and warning).

There's also some pie reports of distribution about:

Locks statistics.
Queries by type (select/insert/update/delete).
Distribution of queries type per database/application
Sessions per database/user/client/application.
Connections per database/user/client/application.
Autovacuum and autoanalyze per table.
Queries per user and total duration per user.

All charts are zoomable and can be saved as PNG images. SQL queries reported are
highlighted and beautified automatically.

You can also have incremental reports with one report per day and a cumulative report per
week. Two multiprocess modes are available to speed up log parsing, one using one core per
log file, and the second to use multiple core to parse a single file. Both modes can be

Histogram granularity can be adjusted using the -A command line option. By default they
will report the mean of each top queries/error occuring per hour, but you can specify the
granularity down to the minute.

pgBadger can also be used in a central place to parse remote log files using a password
less SSH connection. This mode can be used with compressed files and in mode multiprocess
per file (-J) but can not be used with CSV log format.


pgBadger comes as a single Perl script - you do not need anything other than a modern Perl
distribution. Charts are rendered using a Javascript library so you don't need anything.
Your browser will do all the work.

If you planned to parse PostgreSQL CSV log files you might need some Perl Modules:

Text::CSV_XS - to parse PostgreSQL CSV log files.

This module is optional, if you don't have PostgreSQL log in the CSV format you don't need
to install it.

If you want to export statistics as JSON file you need an additional Perl module:

JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast

This module is optional, if you don't select the json output format you don't need to
install it.

Compressed log file format is autodetected from the file exension. If pgBadger find a gz
extension it will use the zcat utility, with a bz2 extension it will use bzcat and if the
file extension is zip or xz then the unzip or xz utilities will be used.

If those utilities are not found in the PATH environment variable then use the --zcat
command line option to change this path. For example:

--zcat="/usr/local/bin/gunzip -c" or --zcat="/usr/local/bin/bzip2 -dc"
--zcat="C:\tools\unzip -p"

By default pgBadger will use the zcat, bzcat and unzip utilities following the file
extension. If you use the default autodetection compress format you can mixed gz, bz2, xz
or zip files. Specifying a custom value to --zcat option will remove this feature of mixed
compressed format.

Note that multiprocessing can not be used with compressed files or CSV files as well as
under Windows platform.


Download the tarball from github and unpack the archive as follow:

tar xzf pgbadger-7.x.tar.gz
cd pgbadger-7.x/
perl Makefile.PL
make && sudo make install

This will copy the Perl script pgbadger to /usr/local/bin/pgbadger by default and the man
page into /usr/local/share/man/man1/pgbadger.1. Those are the default installation
directories for 'site' install.

If you want to install all under /usr/ location, use INSTALLDIRS='perl' as an argument of
Makefile.PL. The script will be installed into /usr/bin/pgbadger and the manpage into

For example, to install everything just like Debian does, proceed as follows:

perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

By default INSTALLDIRS is set to site.


You must enable and set some configuration directives in your postgresql.conf before

You must first enable SQL query logging to have something to parse:

log_min_duration_statement = 0

Here every statement will be logged, on busy server you may want to increase this value to
only log queries with a higher duration time. Note that if you have log_statement set to
'all' nothing will be logged through directive log_min_duration_statement. See next
chapter for more information.

With 'stderr' log format, log_line_prefix must be at least:

log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] '

Log line prefix could add user, database name, application name and client ip address as

log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h '

or for syslog log file format:

log_line_prefix = 'user=%u,db=%d,app=%aclient=%h '

Log line prefix for stderr output could also be:

log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] db=%d,user=%u,app=%a,client=%h '

or for syslog output:

log_line_prefix = 'db=%d,user=%u,app=%a,client=%h '

You need to enable other parameters in postgresql.conf to get more information from your
log files:

log_checkpoints = on
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_lock_waits = on
log_temp_files = 0
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0

Do not enable log_statement as their log format will not be parsed by pgBadger.

Of course your log messages should be in English without locale support:


but this is not only recommended by pgBadger.

Note: the session line [%l-1] is just used to match the default prefix for "stderr". The
-1 has no real purpose and basically is not used in Pgbadger statistics / graphs. You can
safely removed them from the log_line_prefix but you will need to set the --prefix command
line option.

log_min_duration_statement, log_duration and log_statement

If you want full statistics reports you must set log_min_duration_statement to 0 or more

If you just want to report duration and number of queries and don't want all details about
queries, set log_min_duration_statement to -1 to disable it and enable log_duration in
your postgresql.conf file. If you want to add the most common request report you can
either choose to set log_min_duration_statement to a higher value or choose to enable

Enabling log_min_duration_statement will add reports about slowest queries and queries
that took up the most time. Take care that if you have log_statement set to 'all' nothing
will be logged with log_line_prefix.


To enable parallel processing you just have to use the -j N option where N is the number
of cores you want to use.

pgbadger will then proceed as follow:

for each log file
chunk size = int(file size / N)
look at start/end offsets of these chunks
fork N processes and seek to the start offset of each chunk
each process will terminate when the parser reach the end offset
of its chunk
each process write stats into a binary temporary file
wait for all children has terminated
All binary temporary files generated will then be read and loaded into
memory to build the html output.

With that method, at start/end of chunks pgbadger may truncate or omit a maximum of N
queries perl log file which is an insignificant gap if you have millions of queries in
your log file. The chance that the query that you were looking for is loose is near 0,
this is why I think this gap is livable. Most of the time the query is counted twice but

When you have lot of small log files and lot of CPUs it is speedier to dedicate one core
to one log file at a time. To enable this behavior you have to use option -J N instead.
With 200 log files of 10MB each the use of the -J option start being really interesting
with 8 Cores. Using this method you will be sure to not loose any queries in the reports.

He are a benchmarck done on a server with 8 CPUs and a single file of 9.5GB.

Option | 1 CPU | 2 CPU | 4 CPU | 8 CPU
-j | 1h41m18 | 50m25 | 25m39 | 15m58
-J | 1h41m18 | 54m28 | 41m16 | 34m45

With 200 log files of 10MB each and a total og 2GB the results are slightly different:

Option | 1 CPU | 2 CPU | 4 CPU | 8 CPU
-j | 20m15 | 9m56 | 5m20 | 4m20
-J | 20m15 | 9m49 | 5m00 | 2m40

So it is recommanded to use -j unless you have hundred of small log file and can use at
least 8 CPUs.

IMPORTANT: when you are using parallel parsing pgbadger will generate a lot of temporary
files in the /tmp directory and will remove them at end, so do not remove those files
unless pgbadger is not running. They are all named with the following template
tmp_pgbadgerXXXX.bin so they can be easily identified.


pgBadger include an automatic incremental report mode using option -I or --incremental.
When running in this mode, pgBadger will generate one report per day and a cumulative
report per week. Output is first done in binary format into the mandatory output directory
(see option -O or --outdir), then in HTML format for daily and weekly reports with a main
index file.

The main index file will show a dropdown menu per week with a link to the week report and
links to daily reports of this week.

For example, if you run pgBadger as follow based on a daily rotated file:

0 4 * * * /usr/bin/pgbadger -I -q /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log.1 \
-O /var/www/pg_reports/

you will have all daily and weekly reports for the full running period.

In this mode pgBagder will create an automatic incremental file into the output directory,
so you don't have to use the -l option unless you want to change the path of that file.
This mean that you can run pgBadger in this mode each days on a log file rotated each
week, it will not count the log entries twice.

To save disk space you may want to use the -X or --extra-files command line option to
force pgBadger to write javascript and css to separate files in the output directory. The
resources will then be loaded using script and link tag.


Using the binary format it is possible to create custom incremental and cumulative
reports. For example, if you want to refresh a pgbadger report each hour from a daily
PostgreSQl log file, you can proceed by running each hour the following commands:

pgbadger --last-parsed .pgbadger_last_state_file -o sunday/hourX.bin /var/log/pgsql/postgresql-Sun.log

to generate the incremental data files in binary format. And to generate the fresh HTML
report from that binary file:

pgbadger sunday/*.bin

Or an other example, if you have one log file per hour and you want a reports to be
rebuild each time the log file is switched. Proceed as follow:

pgbadger -o day1/hour01.bin /var/log/pgsql/pglog/postgresql-2012-03-23_10.log
pgbadger -o day1/hour02.bin /var/log/pgsql/pglog/postgresql-2012-03-23_11.log
pgbadger -o day1/hour03.bin /var/log/pgsql/pglog/postgresql-2012-03-23_12.log

When you want to refresh the HTML report, for example each time after a new binary file is
generated, just do the following:

pgbadger -o day1_report.html day1/*.bin

Adjust the commands following your needs.


JSON format is good for sharing data with other languages, which makes it easy to
integrate pgBadger's result into other monitoring tools like Cacti or Graphite.


pgBadger is an original work from Gilles Darold.

The pgBadger logo is an original creation of Damien Clochard.

The pgBadger v4.x design comes from the "Art is code" company.

This web site is a work of Gilles Darold.

pgBadger is maintained by Gilles Darold, the good folks at Dalibo, and every one who wants
to contribute.

Many people have contributed to pgBadger, they are all quoted in the Changelog file.

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