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pods2htmlp - Online in the Cloud

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pods2html - translate a tree of PODs to HTML


"pods2html" ["--base" url] ["--css" url] ["--empty"] ["--index" title] ["--module"]
["--"["no"]"toc"] ["--hr" level] ["--bgcolor" #rrggbb] ["--text" #rrggbb] ["--variables"
values.pl] PODdir HTMLdir [template [variable=value ...]]


"pods2html" finds all the .pod and .pm files in the directory tree rooted at PODdir. It
translates each POD to HTML, and writes it to a parallel directory tree rooted at HTMLdir

It makes the HTML files world-readable.

If a template file is provided, then template will be filled in by the "Text::Template"
module and written to dest. Here is a minimal template, showing all the variables that
are set by "pods2html".

<base href="/{$base}">
<link href="/{$css}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="{$bgcolor}" text="{$text}">

If the "--variables" option is provided, then the file values.pl will be executed with a
"do" call before the template is filled in. values.pl may contain arbitrary Perl code.
The program fragments in the template are evaulted in the "Pod::Tree::HTML" package. Any
variables that values.pl sets in this package will be available to the template.

Additional scalar variables may be set on the command line with the variable=value syntax.
Variables set on the command line override variables set in values.pl.


"--base" url
Specifies a base URL for HTML links.

"--css" url
Specifies a Cascanding Style Sheet for the generated HTML pages. Here are example
rules for all the different HTML elements that may appear in a POD.

a:link { background: #ff8080 }
body { background: #f0f0f0 }
code { background: #c0ffc0 }
dd { background: #ffffe0 }
dl { background: #fffff0 }
dt { background: #ffffc0 }
h1 { background: #ffc0c0 }
h2 { background: #ffe0e0 }
hr { background: #ff0000; height: 5px }
i { background: #ffc0c0 }
li { background: #e0e0e0 }
ol { background: #fff0ff }
p { background: #f0f0ff }
pre { background: #f0fff0 }
ul { background: #f0ffff }

Creates HTML files for empty PODs. If this option is not provided, then no HTML file
is created for empty PODs.

"--index" title
Writes an index of all the HTML files to HTMLDir/index.html. title is used as the
title of the index page.

Ignores files in directories named t/ and blib/. Useful for translating PODs in a
module development directory.

Includes or omits the table of contents. Default is to include the TOC.

"--hr" level
Controls the profusion of horizontal lines in the output, as follows:

level horizontal lines
0 none
1 between TOC and body
2 after each =head1
3 after each =head1 and =head2

Default is level 1.

"--bgcolor" #rrggbb
Set the background color to #rrggbb. Default is white.

"--text" #rrggbb
Set the text color to #rrggbb. Default is black.


"Pod::Tree::HTML", "HTML::Stream"

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