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ppmtoilbm - Online in the Cloud

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ppmtoilbm - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file


ppmtoilbm [-maxplanes|-mp N] [-fixplanes|-fp N] [-ham6|-ham8] [-dcbits|-dcplanesrgb]
[-normal|-hamif|-hamforce|-24if|-24force| -dcif|-dcforce|-cmaponly] [-ecs|-aga]
[-compress|-nocompress] [-cmethod type] [-mapppmfile] [-savemem] [ppmfile]


Reads a portable pixmap as input. Produces an ILBM file as output. Supported ILBM types

Normal ILBMs with 1-16 planes.

Amiga HAM with 3-16 planes.

24 bit.

Color map (BMHD + CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0).

Unofficial direct color.
1-16 planes for each color component.

Chunks written:
BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only for HAM), BODY (not for colormap files) unofficial DCOL
chunk for direct color ILBM


Options marked with (*) can be prefixed with a "no", e.g. "-nohamif". All options can be
abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

-maxplanes | -mp n
(default 5, minimum 1, maximum 16) Maximum planes to write in a normal ILBM. If
the pixmap does not fit into <n> planes, ppmtoilbm writes a HAM file (if -hamif is
used), a 24bit file (if -24if is used) or a direct color file (if -dcif is used) or
aborts with an error.

-fixplanes | -fp n
(min 1, max 16) If a normal ILBM is written, it will have exactly <n> planes.

-hambits | -hamplanes n
(default 6, min 3, max 16) Select number of planes for HAM picture. The current
Amiga hardware supports 6 and 8 planes, so for now you should only use this values.

-normal (default)
Turns off -hamif/-24if/-dcif, -hamforce/-24force/-dcforce and -cmaponly. Also sets
compression type to byterun1.

-hamif (*)

-24if (*)

-dcif (*)
Write a HAM/24bit/direct color file if the pixmap does not fit into <maxplanes>

-hamforce (*)

-24force (*)

-dcforce (*)
Write a HAM/24bit/direct color file.

-dcbits | -dcplanes r g b
(default 5, min 1, max 16). Select number of bits for red, green & blue in a
direct color ILBM.

-ecs (default)
Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -maxplanes 5


Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -maxplanes 8


Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -hamforce

-ham8 Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -hamforce

-compress (*) (default)

-cmethod none|byterun1
Compress the BODY chunk. The default compression method is byterun1. Compression
requires building the ILBM image in memory; turning compression off allows stream-
writing of the image, but the resulting file will usually be 30% to 50% larger.
Another alternative is the -savemem option, this will keep memory requirements for
compression at a minimum, but is very slow.

-map ppmfile
Write a normal ILBM using the colors in <ppmfile> as the colormap. The colormap
file also determines the number of planes, a -maxplanes or -fixplanes option is

Write a colormap file: only BMHD and CMAP chunks, no BODY chunk, nPlanes = 0.

See the -compress option.

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