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ppmtolj - Online in the Cloud

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ppmtolj - convert a portable pixmap to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Color file


ppmtolj [-gamma val] [-resolution 75|100|150|300|600] [-delta] [-float] [-noreset]


Reads a portable pixmap as input and converts it into a color file suitable to be printed
by an HP color PCL 5 printer.


-delta Apply delta row compression to reduce the size of the pcl file.

-gamma int Gamma correct the image using the integet parameter as a gamma (default 0).

-float Suppresses positioning information. The default is to write the sequence
ESC&l0E to the output.

-noreset Prevents writing of the reset sequence to the begining and end of the

-resolution Set the required output resolution 75|100|150|300|600


HP PCL 5 & Color Reference Guide

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