ppmtopcx - Online in the Cloud

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ppmtopcx - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file


ppmtopcx [-24bit] [-packed] [-xpos=cols] [-ypos=rows] [ppmfile]


Reads a PPM image as input. Produces a PCX file as output. The type of the PCX file
depends on the number of colors in the pixmap:

16 colors or less:
1 bit/pixel, 1-4 planes.

256 colors or less:
8 bits/pixel, 1 plane, colormap at the end of the file.

More than 256 colors:
24bit truecolor file (8 bits/pixel, 3 planes).


-24bit Produce a 24bit truecolor file, even if the pixmap has 256 colors or less.

Use "packed pixel" format for files with 16 colors or less: 1, 2, or 4 bits/pixel,
1 plane.


These options set the position of the image in some field (e.g. on a screen) in
columns to the right of the left edge and rows below the top edge. The PCX format
contains image position information. Don't confuse this with the position of an
area of interest within the image. For example, using pnmpad to add a 10 pixel
left border to an image and then converting that image to PCX with xpos = 0 is not
the same as converting the original image to PCX and setting xpos = 10.

The values may be from -32767 to 32768.

The default for each is zero.

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