ppmtopgm - Online in the Cloud

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ppmtopgm - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap


ppmtopgm [ppmfile]


Reads a portable pixmap as input. Produces a portable graymap as output. The output is a
"black and white" rendering of the original image, as in a black and white photograph.
The quantization formula used is .299 r + .587 g + .114 b.

Note that although there is a pgmtoppm program, it is not necessary for simple conversions
from pgm to ppm , because any ppm program can read pgm (and pbm ) files automatically.
pgmtoppm is for colorizing a pgm file. Also, see ppmtorgb3 for a different way of
converting color to gray. And ppmdist generates a grayscale image from a color image, but
in a way that makes it easy to differentiate the original colors, not necessarily a way
that looks like a black and white photograph.


Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is gray, and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is a quantization error.

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