preludedb-admin - Online in the Cloud

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preludedb-admin - tool to copy, move, delete, save or restore a prelude database


preludedb-admin copy|move|delete|load|save arguments


preludedb-admin can be used to copy, move, delete, save or restore a prelude database,
partly or in whole, while preserving IDMEF data consistency.

Mandatory arguments

copy Make a copy of a Prelude database to another database.

delete Delete content of a Prelude database.

load Load a Prelude database from a file.

move Move content of a Prelude database to another database.

save Save a Prelude database to a file.

Running a command without providing arguments will display a detailed help.


Obtaining help on a specific command:

# preludedb-admin save
Usage : save <alert|heartbeat> <database> <filename> [options]
Example: preludedb-admin save alert "type=mysql name=dbname user=prelude" outputfile

Save messages from <database> into [filename].
If no filename argument is provided, data will be written to standard output.

Database arguments:
type : Type of database (mysql/pgsql).
name : Name of the database.
user : User to access the database.
pass : Password to access the database.

Valid options:
--offset <offset> : Skip processing until 'offset' events.
--count <count> : Process at most count events.
--query-logging [filename] : Log SQL query to the specified file.
--criteria <criteria> : Only process events matching criteria.
--events-per-transaction : Maximum number of event to process per transaction (default 1000).

Preludedb-admin can be useful to delete events from a prelude database :

preludedb-admin delete alert --criteria <criteria> "type=<mysql> name=<dbname> user=<prelude-user> pass=<pass>"

where criteria is an IDMEF criteria :

preludedb-admin delete alert --criteria "alert.classification.text == 'UDP packet dropped'" "type=mysql name=prelude user=prelude-user pass=prelude-pass"

This will delete all event with the classification text "UDP packet dropped" from the

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