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probalign - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command probalign that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



probalign - Align sequences in MFAFILE(s) and print result to standard output


PROBALIGN Version 1.4 (Nov 2010) aligns multiple protein sequences and prints to the
standard output. Written by Satish Chikkagoudar and Usman Roshan using code from PROBCONS
version 1.1 (written by Chuong Do) and based upon probA (written by Ulrike Muckstein).

PROBALIGN 1.4 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the README file for details.

probalign [OPTION]... [MFAFILE]...

Align sequences in MFAFILE(s) and print result to standard output


use CLUSTALW output format instead of MFA

-v, --verbose

report progress while aligning (default: off)

-a, --alignment-order

print sequences in alignment order rather than input order (default: off)

-T, -temperature

Sets the thermodynamic temperature parameter

(default: 5 (for protein data mode), 1 ( for nucleotide data mode)).

-score_matrix, --score_matrix

Sets the type of scoring matrix used to calculate the posterior probabilities
(default: gonnet_160, representing gonnet 160, refer README for details)

-go, --gap-open

This option can be used to specify the gap open parameter. The default for Gonnet
160 (protein) is 22 and nucleotide (simple matrix) is 4.

-ge, --gap-extension

This option can be used to specify the gap extension parameter. The default for
Gonnet 160 (protein) is 1 and nucleotide (simple matrix) is 0.25.


Specify this option to indicate that inputted sequences are nucleotide sequences


Specify this option to indicate that inputted sequences are protein sequences


Outputs the posterior probabilities of alignment columns as a new sequence named
Posterior Probabilities (The probability values are scaled to be between integers
between 0 and 9).

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