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proclint - Lint procmail rc files for proper syntax


proclint [options] <procmail *.rc files>


-h, --help
Display short help.

-i, --includerc
Scan and possibly list files included in code with INCLUDERC statements.

-I, --noinclude
Do not scan INCLUDERC references (default).

-l, --list
List lines in the procmail recipe files.

-L, --nolist
Do not list lines, except for errors (default).

-p, --procmailrc
Check $HOME/.procmailrca


Check procmail rc files for proper syntax, recipe nesting, etc. The output consists of:
"LINE-NUMBER:FLAG:DEPTH: text". FLAG is one of:

R recipe
C condition
A action (redirect, '!', or pipe, '|')
F folder
= assignment
+ continuation
E *line may be erroneous*

DEPTH indicates the depth of the recipe nesting and is shown only when greater than zero.

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