psppire - Online in the Cloud

This is the command psppire that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



psppire - graphical interface to pspp


psppire [options] files...


psppire is a graphical interface to pspp. This interface allows you to enter data and
variable definitions interactively. Commands may be executed in syntax form, or by using
the interactive dialog boxes available from the dropdown menus. Up to date documentation
is available via

info pspp

Documentation is also available as pdf or html. On GNU/Linux based systems you find this
documentation in /usr/share/doc/pspp.


--help Show summary of options.

Show version of program.


Create a file example.sps with the following content:

* Example sps file
data list
/ v0 to v2 1-9.
begin data.
12 12 89
56 12 77
78 12 73
90 91
37 97 85
52 82
12 79
26 78 76
29 13 71
end data.

examine v0

and run psppire with

psppire example.sps

More examples files are in /usr/share/pspp/examples

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