psreport - Online in the Cloud

This is the command psreport that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



psreport: - report on the packets in a Program Stream


psreport [switches] <infile>


TS tools version 1.11, psreport built Nov 11 2008 17:15:47

Report on the packets in a Program Stream.

is an H.222 Program Stream file (but see -stdin)

-stdin Input from standard input, instead of a file

-verbose, -v
Output packet data as well.

-max <n>, -m <n>
Maximum number of PS packets to read

-dvd The PS data is from a DVD. This is the default. This switch has no effect on
MPEG-1 PS data.

-notdvd, -nodvd
The PS data is not from a DVD. The DVD specification stores AC-3 (Dolby), DTS and
other audio in a specialised manner in private_stream_1.

TS tools version 1.11, psreport built Nov 11 2008 17:15:47

Report on the packets in a Program Stream.

is an H.222 Program Stream file (but see -stdin)

-stdin Input from standard input, instead of a file

-verbose, -v
Output packet data as well.

-max <n>, -m <n>
Maximum number of PS packets to read

-dvd The PS data is from a DVD. This is the default. This switch has no effect on
MPEG-1 PS data.

-notdvd, -nodvd
The PS data is not from a DVD. The DVD specification stores AC-3 (Dolby), DTS and
other audio in a specialised manner in private_stream_1.

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