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psxyz - Plot lines, polygons, and symbols in 3-D


psxyz [ table ] parameters z|Zparameters west/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][r] [
[p|s]parameters ] [ dx/dy[/dz] ] [ fill ] [ intens ] [ ] [
[+b|d|D][+xl|r|x0][+yl|r|y0][+ppen] ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ [symbol][size[unit]][/size_y]
] [ ] [ [just/dx/dy/][c|label] ] [ [level] ] [ [-|+][pen] ] [ x_offset ] [ y_offset ] [
-a<flags> ] [ -bi<binary> ] [ -ccopies ] [ -di<nodata> ] [ -f<flags> ] [ -g<gaps> ] [
-h<headers> ] [ -i<flags> ] [ -p<flags> ] [ -t<transp> ] [ -:[i|o] ]

Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


psxyz reads (x,y,z) triplets from files [or standard input] and generates PostScript code
that will plot lines, polygons, or symbols at those locations in 3-D. If a symbol is
selected and no symbol size given, then psxyz will interpret the fourth column of the
input data as symbol size. Symbols whose size is <= 0 are skipped. If no symbols are
specified then the symbol code (see -S below) must be present as last column in the input.
If -S is not used, a line connecting the data points will be drawn instead. To explicitly
close polygons, use -L. Select a fill with -G. If -G is set, -W will control whether the
polygon outline is drawn or not. If a symbol is selected, -G and -W determines the fill
and outline/no outline, respectively. The PostScript code is written to standard output.


-Jparameters (more ...)
Select map projection.

-Jz|Zparameters (more ...)
Set z-axis scaling; same syntax as -Jx.

-R[unit]xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[r] (more ...)
Specify the region of interest.

For perspective view p, optionally append /zmin/zmax. (more ...)


table One or more ASCII (or binary, see -bi[ncols][type]) data table file(s) holding a
number of data columns. If no tables are given then we read from standard input.

-B[p|s]parameters (more ...)
Set map boundary intervals.

-Ccpt Give a CPT file or specify -Ccolor1,color2[,color3,...] to build a linear
continuous CPT from those colors automatically. In this case colorn can be a r/g/b
triplet, a color name, or an HTML hexadecimal color (e.g. #aabbcc ). If -S is set,
let symbol fill color be determined by the t-value in the fourth column. Additional
fields are shifted over by one column (optional size would be in 5th rather than
4th field, etc.). If -S is not set, then psxyz expects the user to supply a
multisegment file (where each segment header contains a -Zval string. The val will
control the color of the line or polygon (if -L is set) via the CPT file.

Offset the plot symbol or line locations by the given amounts dx/dy[dz] [Default is
no offset].

-Gfill Select color or pattern for filling of symbols or polygons [Default is no fill].
Note that psxyz will search for -G and -W strings in all the segment headers and
let any values thus found over-ride the command line settings.

Use the supplied intens value (nominally in the -1 to + 1 range) to modulate the
fill color by simulating illumination [none].

-K (more ...)
Do not finalize the PostScript plot.

Force closed polygons. Alternatively, append modifiers to build a polygon from a
line segment. Append +d to build symmetrical envelope around y(x) using deviations
dy(x) given in extra column 4. Append +D to build asymmetrical envelope around
y(x) using deviations dy1(x) and dy2(x) from extra columns 4-5. Append +b to build
asymmetrical envelope around y(x) using bounds yl(x) and yh(x) from extra columns
4-5. Append +xl|r|x0 to connect first and last point to anchor points at either
xmin, xmax, or x0, or append +yb|t|y0 to connect first and last point to anchor
points at either ymin, ymax, or y0. Polygon may be painted (-G) and optionally
outlined by adding +ppen [no outline]. All constructed polygons are assumed to
have a constant z value.

Do NOT clip symbols that fall outside map border [Default plots points whose
coordinates are strictly inside the map border only]. The option does not apply to
lines and polygons which are always clipped to the map region. For periodic
(360-longitude) maps we must plot all symbols twice in case they are clipped by the
repeating boundary. The -N will turn off clipping and not plot repeating symbols.
Use -Nr to turn off clipping but retain the plotting of such repeating symbols, or
use -Nc to retain clipping but turn off plotting of repeating symbols.

-O (more ...)
Append to existing PostScript plot.

-P (more ...)
Select "Portrait" plot orientation.

-Q Turn off the automatic sorting of items based on their distance from the viewer.
The default is to sort the items so that items in the foreground are plotted after
items in the background.

Plot symbols. If present, size is symbol size in the unit set in gmt.conf (unless
c, i, or p is appended). If the symbol code (see below) is not given it will be
read from the last column in the input data; this cannot be used in conjunction
with binary input. Optionally, append c, i, or p to indicate that the size
information in the input data is in units of cm, inch, or point, respectively
[Default is PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT]. Note: if you give both size and symbol via the input
file you must use PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT to indicate the units used for the symbol size
or append the units to the size in the file. Some 2-dimensional symbols optionally
take a second size via size_y. If symbol sizes are expected via the fourth data
column then you may convert those values to suitable symbol sizes via the -i

The uppercase symbols A, C, D, G, H, I, N, S, T are normalized to have the same
area as a circle with diameter size, while the size of the corresponding lowercase
symbols refers to the diameter of a circumscribed circle.

You can change symbols by adding the required -S option to any of your multisegment

Choose between these symbol codes:

-S- x-dash (-). size is the length of a short horizontal (x-dir) line segment.

-S+ plus (+). size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Sa star. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Sb Vertical bar extending from base to y. size is bar width. Append u if size
is in x-units [Default is plot-distance units]. By default, base = ymin.
Append b[base] to change this value. If base is not appended then we read it
from the last input data column.

-SB Horizontal bar extending from base to x. size is bar width. Append u if
size is in y-units [Default is plot-distance units]. By default, base =
xmin. Append b[base] to change this value. If base is not appended then we
read it from the last input data column.

-Sc circle. size is diameter of circle.

-Sd diamond. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Se ellipse. Direction (in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal),
major_axis, and minor_axis must be found in columns 4, 5, and 6.

-SE Same as -Se, except azimuth (in degrees east of north) should be given
instead of direction. The azimuth will be mapped into an angle based on the
chosen map projection (-Se leaves the directions unchanged.) Furthermore,
the axes lengths must be given in km instead of plot-distance units. An
exception occurs for a linear projection in which we assume the ellipse axes
are given in the same units as -R. For degenerate ellipses (circles) with
diameter given in km, use -SE-. The diameter is excepted to be given in
column 4. Alternatively, append the desired diameter in km to -SE- and this
fixed diameter is used instead.

-Sf front. -Sfgap[/size][+l|+r][+b+c+f+s+t][+ooffset][+p[pen]]. Supply
distance gap between symbols and symbol size. If gap is negative, it is
interpreted to mean the number of symbols along the front instead. If size
is missing it is set to 30% of the gap, except when gap is negative and size
is thus required. Append +l or +r to plot symbols on the left or right side
of the front [Default is centered]. Append +type to specify which symbol to
plot: box, circle, fault, slip, or triangle. [Default is fault]. Slip means
left-lateral or right-lateral strike-slip arrows (centered is not an
option). The +s modifier optionally accepts the angle used to draw the
vector [30]. Append +ooffset to offset the first symbol from the beginning
of the front by that amount [0]. The chosen symbol is drawn with the same
pen as set for the line (i.e., via -W). The use an alternate pen, append
+ppen. To skip the outline, just use +p. Note: By placing -Sf options in
the segment header you can change the front types on a segment-by-segment

-Sg octagon. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Sh hexagon. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Si inverted triangle. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Sj Rotated rectangle. Direction (in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal),
x-dimension, and y-dimension must be found in columns 4, 5, and 6.

-SJ Same as -Sj, except azimuth (in degrees east of north) should be given
instead of direction. The azimuth will be mapped into an angle based on the
chosen map projection (-Sj leaves the directions unchanged.) Furthermore,
the dimensions must be given in km instead of plot-distance units. An
exception occurs for a linear projection in which we assume the dimensions
are given in the same units as -R.

-Sk kustom symbol. Append <name>/size, and we will look for a definition file
called <name>.def in (1) the current directory or (2) in ~/.gmt or (3) in
$GMT_SHAREDIR/custom. The symbol as defined in that file is of size 1.0 by
default; the appended size will scale symbol accordingly. The symbols are
plotted in the x-y plane. Users may add their own custom *.def files; see

-Sl letter or text string (less than 64 characters). Give size, and append
/string after the size. Note that the size is only approximate; no
individual scaling is done for different characters. Remember to escape
special characters like *. Optionally, you may append %font to select a
particular font [Default is FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY].

-Sm math angle arc, optionally with one or two arrow heads [Default is no arrow
heads]. The size is the length of the vector head. Arc width is set by -W.
The radius of the arc and its start and stop directions (in degrees
counter-clockwise from horizontal) must be given in columns 4-6. See VECTOR
ATTRIBUTES for specifying attributes.

-SM Same as -Sm but switches to straight angle symbol if angles subtend 90
degrees exactly.

-Sn pentagon. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-So column (3-D) extending from base to z. The size sets base width (Use
xsize/ysize if not the same). Append u if size is in x-units [Default is
plot-distance units]. If no size is given we expect both xsize and ysize as
two extra data columns. By default, base = 0. Append bbase to change this
value. The facet colors will be modified to simulate shading. Use -SO to
disable such 3-D illumination. If base is not appended then we read it from
the last input data column.

-Sp point. No size needs to be specified (1 pixel is used).

-Sq quoted line, i.e., lines with annotations such as contours. It is assumed
that each individual line has a constant z level (i.e., each line must lie
in the x-y plane). Append [d|D|f|l|L|n|x|X]info[:labelinfo]. The required
argument controls the placement of labels along the quoted lines. Choose
among five controlling algorithms:
ddist[c|i|p] or Ddist[d|e|f|k|m|M|n|s] For lower case d, give distances
between labels on the plot in your preferred measurement unit c (cm), i
(inch), or p (points), while for upper case D, specify distances in map
units and append the unit; choose among e (m), f (foot), k (km), M
(mile), n (nautical mile) or u (US survey foot), and d (arc degree), m
(arc minute), or s (arc second). [Default is 10c or 4i]. As an option,
you can append /fraction which is used to place the very first label for
each contour when the cumulative along-contour distance equals fraction *
dist [0.25]. fffile.d Reads the ASCII file ffile.d and places labels at
locations in the file that matches locations along the quoted lines.
Inexact matches and points outside the region are skipped.
l|Lline1[,*line2*,...] Give start and stop coordinates for one or more
comma-separated straight line segments. Labels will be placed where these
lines intersect the quoted lines. The format of each line specification
is start/stop, where start and stop are either a specified point lon/lat
or a 2-character XY key that uses the justification format employed in
pstext to indicate a point on the map, given as [LCR][BMT]. L will
interpret the point pairs as defining great circles [Default is straight
line]. nn_label Specifies the number of equidistant labels for quoted
lines line [1]. Upper case N starts labeling exactly at the start of the
line [Default centers them along the line]. N-1 places one justified
label at start, while N+1 places one justified label at the end of quoted
lines. Optionally, append /min_dist[c|i|p] to enforce that a minimum
distance separation between successive labels is enforced. x|Xxfile.d
Reads the multisegment file xfile.d and places labels at the
intersections between the quoted lines and the lines in xfile.d. X will
resample the lines first along great-circle arcs. In addition, you may
optionally append +rradius[c|i|p] to set a minimum label separation in
the x-y plane [no limitation].

The optional labelinfo controls the specifics of the label formatting and
consists of a concatenated string made up of any of the following control

For annotations at a fixed angle, +an for line-normal, or +ap for
line-parallel [Default].

Sets the clearance between label and optional text box. Append
c|i|p to specify the unit or % to indicate a percentage of the
label font size [15%].

+d Turns on debug which will draw helper points and lines to
illustrate the workings of the quoted line setup.

+e Delay the plotting of the text. This is used to build a clip path
based on the text, then lay down other overlays while that clip
path is in effect, then turning of clipping with psclip -Cs which
finally plots the original text.

+ffont Sets the desired font [Default FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY with its size
changed to 9p].

Selects opaque text boxes [Default is transparent]; optionally
specify the color [Default is PS_PAGE_COLOR].

+jjust Sets label justification [Default is MC]. Ignored when -SqN|n+|-1
is used.

Sets the constant label text.

+Lflag Sets the label text according to the specified flag:

+Lh Take the label from the current segment header (first scan for
an embedded -Llabel option, if not use the first word following
the segment flag). For multiple-word labels, enclose entire label
in double quotes. +Ld Take the Cartesian plot distances along the
line as the label; append c|i|p as the unit [Default is
PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT]. +LD Calculate actual map distances; append
d|e|f|k|n|M|n|s as the unit [Default is d(egrees), unless label
placement was based on map distances along the lines in which case
we use the same unit specified for that algorithm]. Requires a map
projection to be used. +Lf Use text after the 2nd column in the
fixed label location file as the label. Requires the fixed label
location setting. +Lx As +Lh but use the headers in the xfile.d
instead. Requires the crossing file option.

Nudges the placement of labels by the specified amount (append
c|i|p to specify the units). Increments are considered in the
coordinate system defined by the orientation of the line; use +N
to force increments in the plot x/y coordinates system [no
nudging]. Not allowed with +v.

+o Selects rounded rectangular text box [Default is rectangular].
Not applicable for curved text (+v) and only makes sense for
opaque text boxes.

Draws the outline of text boxes [Default is no outline];
optionally specify pen for outline [Default is width = 0.25p,
color = black, style = solid].

Will not place labels where the line's radius of curvature is less
than min_rad [Default is 0].

Saves line label x, y, and text to file [Line_labels.txt]. Use +T
to save x, y, angle, text instead.

+uunit Appends unit to all line labels. If unit starts with a leading
hyphen (-) then there will be no space between label value and the
unit. [Default is no unit].

+v Specifies curved labels following the path [Default is straight

+w Specifies how many (x,y) points will be used to estimate label
angles [Default is 10].

Prepends prefix to all line labels. If prefix starts with a
leading hyphen (-) then there will be no space between label value
and the prefix. [Default is no prefix].

Note: By placing -Sq options in the segment header you can change the quoted
text attributes on a segment-by-segment basis.

-Sr rectangle. No size needs to be specified, but the x- and y-dimensions must
be found in columns 4 and 5.

-SR Rounded rectangle. No size needs to be specified, but the x- and
y-dimensions and corner radius must be found in columns 4, 5, and 6.

-Ss square. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-St triangle. size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Su cube (3-D). The size) sets length of all sides. Append u if size is in
x-units [Default is plot-distance units]. The facet colors will be modified
to simulate shading. Use -SU to disable such 3-D illumination.

-Sv vector. Direction (in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal) and length
must be found in columns 4 and 5. The size is the length of the vector head.
Vector width is set by -W. See VECTOR ATTRIBUTES for specifying attributes.

-SV Same as -Sv, except azimuth (in degrees east of north) should be given
instead of direction. The azimuth will be mapped into an angle based on the
chosen map projection (-Sv leaves the directions unchanged.) See VECTOR
ATTRIBUTES for specifying attributes.

-Sw pie wedge. Start and stop directions (in degrees counter-clockwise from
horizontal) for pie slice must be found in columns 4 and 5.

-SW Same as -Sw, except azimuths (in degrees east of north) should be given
instead of the two directions. The azimuths will be mapped into angles based
on the chosen map projection (-Sw leaves the directions unchanged.)

-Sx cross (x). size is diameter of circumscribing circle.

-Sy y-dash (|). size is the length of a short horizontal (y-dir) line segment.

-S= geovector. Azimuth (in degrees east from north) and length (in km) must be
found in columns 4 and 5. The size is the length of the vector head. Vector
width is set by -W. See VECTOR ATTRIBUTES for specifying attributes.

-S~ decorated line, i.e., lines with symbols along them. Append
[d|D|f|l|L|n|N|s|S|x|X]info[:symbolinfo]. The required argument controls
the placement of symbols along the decorated lines. Choose among six
controlling algorithms:

ddist[c|i|p] or Ddist[d|e|f|k|m|M|n|s]
For lower case d, give distances between symbols on the plot in
your preferred measurement unit c (cm), i (inch), or p (points),
while for upper case D, specify distances in map units and append
the unit; choose among e (m), f (foot), k (km), M (mile), n
(nautical mile) or u (US survey foot), and d (arc degree), m (arc
minute), or s (arc second). [Default is 10c or 4i]. As an option,
you can append /fraction which is used to place the very first
symbol for each line when the cumulative along-line distance
equals fraction * dist [0.25].

Reads the ASCII file ffile.d and places symbols at locations in
the file that matches locations along the decorated lines. Inexact
matches and points outside the region are skipped.

Give the coordinates of the end points for one or more
comma-separated straight line segments. Symbols will be placed
where these lines intersect the decorated lines. The format of
each line specification is start_lon/start_lat/stop_lon/stop_lat.
Both start_lon/start_lat and stop_lon/stop_lat can be replaced by
a 2-character key that uses the justification format employed in
pstext to indicate a point on the frame or center of the map,
given as [LCR][BMT]. L will interpret the point pairs as defining
great circles [Default is straight line].

Specifies the number of equidistant symbols for decorated lines
[1]. Upper case N starts placing symbols exactly at the start of
the line [Default centers them along the line]. N-1 places one
symbol at start, while N+1 places one symbol at the end of
decorated lines. Optionally, append /min_dist[c|i|p] to enforce
that a minimum distance separation between successive symbols is

Same as n|Nn_symbol but implies that the input data are first to
be converted into a series of 2-point line segments before

Reads the multisegment file xfile.d and places symbols at the
intersections between the decorated lines and the lines in
xfile.d. X will resample the lines first along great-circle arcs.

The optional symbolinfo controls the specifics of the symbol selection
and formatting and consists of a concatenated string made up of any of
the following control arguments:

For symbols at a fixed angle, +an for line-normal, or +ap for
line-parallel [Default].

+d Turns on debug which will draw helper points and lines to
illustrate the workings of the decorated line setup.

Sets the symbol fill [no fill].

Nudges the placement of symbols by the specified amount (append
c|i|p to specify the units). Increments are considered in the
coordinate system defined by the orientation of the line; use +N
to force increments in the plot x/y coordinates system [no

Draws the outline of symbols [Default is no outline]; optionally
specify pen for outline [Default is width = 0.25p, color = black,
style = solid].

+w Specifies how many (x,y) points will be used to estimate symbol
angles [Default is 10].

Note: By placing -S~ options in the segment header you can change the
decorated lines on a segment-by-segment basis.

-T Ignore all input files, including standard input. This is the same as specifying
/dev/null (or NUL for Windows users) as input file. Use this to activate only the
options that are not related to plotting of lines or symbols, such as psxyz -R -J
-O -T to terminate a sequence of GMT plotting commands without producing any
plotting output.

-U[just/dx/dy/][c|label] (more ...)
Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

-V[level] (more ...)
Select verbosity level [c].

-W[-|+][pen] (more ...)
Set pen attributes for lines or the outline of symbols [Defaults: width = default,
color = black, style = solid]. A leading + will use the lookup color (via -C) for
both symbol fill and outline pen color, while a leading - will set outline pen
color and turn off symbol fill.


-Y[a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]] (more ...)
Shift plot origin.

-acol=name[...] (more ...)
Set aspatial column associations col=name.

-bi[ncols][t] (more ...)
Select native binary input. [Default is the required number of columns given the
chosen settings].

-ccopies (more ...)
Specify number of plot copies [Default is 1].

-dinodata (more ...)
Replace input columns that equal nodata with NaN.

-f[i|o]colinfo (more ...)
Specify data types of input and/or output columns.

-g[a]x|y|d|X|Y|D|[col]z[+|-]gap[u] (more ...)
Determine data gaps and line breaks. The -g option is ignored if -S is set.

-h[i|o][n][+c][+d][+rremark][+rtitle] (more ...)
Skip or produce header record(s).

-icols[l][sscale][ooffset][,...] (more ...)
Select input columns (0 is first column).

-p[x|y|z]azim/elev[/zlevel][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0] (more ...)
Select perspective view.

-t[transp] (more ...)
Set PDF transparency level in percent.

-:[i|o] (more ...)
Swap 1st and 2nd column on input and/or output.

-^ or just -
Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows
use just -).

-+ or just +
Print an extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any
module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

-? or no arguments
Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of options, then

Print GMT version and exit.

Print full path to GMT share directory and exit.


Several modifiers may be appended to the vector-producing options to specify the placement
of vector heads, their shapes, and the justification of the vector. Below, left and right
refers to the side of the vector line when viewed from the start point to the end point of
the segment:
+aangle sets the angle of the vector head apex [30].

+b places a vector head at the beginning of the vector path [none]. Optionally, append
t for a terminal line, c for a circle, or a for arrow [Default]. Further append l|r to
only draw the left or right side of this head [both sides].

+e places a vector head at the end of the vector path [none]. Optionally, append t for
a terminal line, c for a circle, or a for arrow [Default]. Further append l|r to only
draw the left or right side of this head [both sides].

+g-|fill turns off vector head fill (if -) or sets the vector head fill [Default fill
is used, which may be no fill].

+l draws half-arrows, using only the left side of specified heads [both sides].

+m places a vector head at the mid-point the vector path [none]. Append f or r for
forward or reverse direction of the vector [forward]. Optionally, append t for a
terminal line, c for a circle, or a for arrow head [Default]. Further append l|r to
only draw the left or right side of this head [both sides]. Cannot be combined with +b
or +e.

+nnorm scales down vector attributes (pen thickness, head size) with decreasing length,
where vectors shorter than norm will have their attributes scaled by length/norm [arrow
attributes remains invariant to length].

+oplon/plat specifies the oblique pole for the great or small circles. Only needed for
great circles if +q is given.

+p[-][pen] sets the vector pen attributes. If pen has a leading - then the head outline
is not drawn. [Default pen is used, and head outline is drawn]

+q means the input angle, length data instead represent the start and stop opening
angles of the arc segment relative to the given point.

+r draws half-arrows, using only the right side of specified heads [both sides].

t[b|e]trim will shift the beginning or end point (or both) along the vector segment by
the given trim; append suitable unit. If the modifiers b|e are not used then trim may
be two values separated by a slash, which is used to specify different trims for the
two ends. Positive trims will shorted the vector while negative trims will lengthen it
[no trim].

In addition, all but circular vectors may take these modifiers:
+jjust determines how the input x,y point relates to the vector. Choose from beginning
[default], end, or center.

+s means the input angle, length is instead the x, y coordinates of the vector end

Finally, Cartesian vectors may take these modifiers:
+zscale[unit] expects input dx,dy vector components and uses the scale to convert to
polar coordinates with length in given unit.


To plot blue columns (width = 1.25 cm) at the positions listed in the file on
a 3-D projection of the space (0-10), (0-10), (0-100), with tickmarks every 2, 2, and 10,
viewing it from the southeast at 30 degree elevation, use:

gmt psxyz -R0/10/0/10/0/100 -Jx1.25c -Jz0.125c -So1.25c
-Gblue -Bx2+lXLABEL -By2+lYLABEL -Bz10+lZLABEL -B+t"3-D PLOT" -p135/30
-Uc -W -P >


Segment header records may contain one of more of the following options:

-Gfill Use the new fill and turn filling on

-G- Turn filling off

-G Revert to default fill (none if not set on command line)

-Wpen Use the new pen and turn outline on

-W Revert to default pen MAP_DEFAULT_PEN (if not set on command line)

-W- Turn outline off

-Zzval Obtain fill via cpt lookup using z-value zval

-ZNaN Get the NaN color from the CPT file


psxyz allows users to define and plot their own custom symbols. This is done by encoding
the symbol using our custom symbol macro code described in Appendix N. Put all the macro
codes for your new symbol in a file whose extension must be .def; you may then address the
symbol without giving the extension (e.g., the symbol file tsunami.def is used by
specifying -Sktsunami/size. The definition file can contain any number of plot code
records, as well as blank lines and comment lines (starting with #). psxyz will look for
the definition files in (1) the current directory, (2) the ~/.gmt directory, and (3) the
$GMT_SHAREDIR/custom directory, in that order. Freeform polygons (made up of straight line
segments and arcs of circles) can be designed - these polygons can be painted and filled
with a pattern. Other standard geometric symbols can also be used. See Appendix
App-custom_symbols for macro definitions.

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