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pyevolve-graph - graphical plotting tool for Pyevolve


pyevolve-graph [options]


This manual page documents briefly the pyevolve-graph command, a graphical plotting tool
for programs based on Pyevolve. To use this program, you must have python-matplotlib and
python-sqlite installed.


Pyevolve-pygraph supports the following options:

-h, --help
show a brief summary of available options and exit

Database file to read from. default is ./pyevolve.db.

-i IDENTIFY, --identify=IDENTIFY
The identify of evolution.

-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
Write the graph image to a file. Don't specify an extension, just the filename.
The file will be written in PNG format by default, but this can be changed using
the --extension or -e options.

Graph image file format. Supported options (formats) are all those supported by
python-matplotlib. Currently, these should be: EMF, EPS, PDF, PNG, PS, RAW, RGBA,
SVG, SVGZ. Default is PNG.

-g GENRANGE, --genrange=GENRANGE
This is the generation range of the graph. For example, 1:30 would denote an
interval between 1 and 30.

-c COLORMAP, --colormap=COLORMAP
Sets the Color Map for the graph types -8 and -9. Some options are: summer, bone,
gray, hot, jet, cooper, spectral. The default is jet.

Sets the 'Minimize' mode. Default is the Maximize mode. This option makes sense if
you are minimizing your evaluation function.

-0 Write all standard graphs to file. Equivalent to specifying -1 -2 -3 -4 -5.

-1 Error bars graph (raw scores).

-2 Error bars graph (fitness scores).

-3 Max/min/avg/std. dev. graph (raw scores).

-4 Max/min/avg graph (fitness scores).

-5 Raw and Fitness min/max difference graph.

-6 Compare best raw score of two or more evolutions. You must specify the identify as
a comma-separated list with the --identify or -i options. The maximum is 6 items.

-7 Compare best fitness score of two or more evolutions. You must specify the identify
as a comma-separated list with the --identify or -i options. The maximum is 6

-8 Show a heat map of population raw score distribution between generations.

-9 Show a heat map of population fitness score distribution between generations.


The following are some examples on how to use pyevolve-graph:

1. Output a graph for identify 'ex1' in PNG format (default) to file 'graph_ex1.png':

pyevolve-graph -i ex1 -1 -o graph_ex1

2. Output a graph for identify 'ex1' to the PDF file 'graph_ex1.pdf':

pyevolve-graph -i ex1 -1 -o graph_ex1 -e pdf

3. This command will plot the evolution of the generations between 10 and 20:

pyevolve-graph -i ex1 -1 -g 10:20

4. Use -m to indicate that you have minimized the evaulation function: -i ex1 -1 -m

5. Specify an identify list for the comparison output options -6 and -7: -i ex1_run1,ex1_run2,ex1_run3 -6

Fore more examples on how to use pyevolve-graph, including sample images, users are
recommended to install the python-pyevolve-doc package.

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