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pymvpa2-describe - Online in the Cloud

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pymvpa2-describe - describe a dataset's content


pymvpa2 describe [--version] [-h] -i DATASET [DATASET ...] [-r
{txtsummary,sample_histogram}] [--numpy-xfm SPEC] [--figure-title FIGURE_TITLE]
[--histogram-bins VALUE] [--xlim XLIM XLIM] [--ylim YLIM YLIM] [--x-marker X_MARKER
[X_MARKER ...]] [--y-marker Y_MARKER [Y_MARKER ...]] [--target-attr NAME]


Describe a dataset's content

This command can produce a number of reports for datasets. Currently supported are summary
statistics in text format, as well as basic plots. See the --report option for more


show program's version and license information and exit

-h, --help, --help-np
show this help message and exit. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager
for displaying the help.

path(s) to one or more PyMVPA dataset files. All datasets will be merged into a
single dataset (vstack'ed) in order of specification. In some cases this option may
need to be specified more than once if multiple, but separate, input datasets are

-r {txtsummary,sample_histogram}, --report {txtsummary,sample_histogram}
choose a type of report. Default: terse summary in text format.

Options for transforming dataset content before plotting:
--numpy-xfm SPEC
apply a Numpy function along a given axis of the samples before generating the
dataset info summary. For example, 'samples:std' will apply the 'std' function
along the samples axis, i.e. compute a vector of standard deviations for all
features in a dataset

Options for plot formatting:
--figure-title FIGURE_TITLE
title for a plot

--histogram-bins VALUE
number of bin for histograms

--xlim XLIM XLIM
minimum and maximum value of the x-axis extent in a figure

--ylim YLIM YLIM
minimum and maximum value of the y-axis extent in a figure

--x-marker X_MARKER [X_MARKER ...]
list of x-value to draw markers on in a figure

--y-marker Y_MARKER [Y_MARKER ...]
list of y-value to draw markers on in a figure

Options for dataset description:
--target-attr NAME
name of a samples attributes defining 'target'. This information is used to define
groups of samples when generating information on the within and between category
data structure in a dataset.

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