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qhost - Online in the Cloud

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qhost - show the status of Sun Grid Engine hosts, queues, jobs


qhost [ -cb ] [ -F [resource_name,...] ] [ -help ] [ -h host_list ] [ -j ] [ -l
resource=val,... ] [ -u user,... ] [ -xml ].


qhost shows the current status of the available Sun Grid Engine hosts, queues and the jobs
associated with the queues. Selection options allow you to get information about specific
hosts, queues, jobs or users. If multiple selections are done a host is only displayed if
all selection criteria for a host are met. Without any options qhost will display a list
of all hosts without queue or job information.


-F [ resource_name,... ]
qhost will present a detailed listing of the current resource availability per host
with respect to all resources (if the option argument is omitted) or with respect
to those resources contained in the resource_name list. Please refer to the
description of the Full Format in section OUTPUT FORMATS below for further detail.

-cb This command line switch can be used since Sun Grid Engine version 6.2u5 in
combination with other qhost(1) command line switches. In that case the output of
the corresponding command will contain information concerning the added job to core
binding feature.

If this switch is not used then the command behaves as in version 6.2u4 and
previous versions.

If this option is used then two additional columns will be shown for each displayed
host in the output. The first is named NSOC and represents the number of available
sockets on that host. The second additional column is named NCOR and it represents
the number of cores that are available per socket on the corresponding machine.

-help Prints a listing of all options.

-h host_list
Prints a list of all hosts contained in host_list.

-j Prints all jobs running on the queues hosted by the shown hosts. This switch calls
-q implicitly.

-l resource[=value],...
Defines the resources to be granted by the hosts which should be included in the
host list output. Matching is performed on hosts based on non-mutable resource
availability information only. That means load values are always ignored except
the so-called static load values (i.e. "arch", "num_proc", "mem_total",
"swap_total" and "virtual_total") ones. Also consumable utilization is ignored. If
there are multiple -l resource requests they will be concatenated by a logical AND:
a host needs to match all resources to be displayed.

-q Show information about the queues instances hosted by the displayed hosts.

-u user,...
Display information only on those jobs and queues being associated with the users
from the given user list.

-xml This option can be used with all other options and changes the output to XML. The
used schemas are referenced in the XML output. The output is printed to stdout.

If the -xml parameter is combined with -cb then the XML output will contain
additional tags containing information about job to core binding. You can find
schema files with the suffix "_cb" in the directory
$SGE_ROOT/util/resources/schemas/qhost that describe that changes.


Depending on the presence or absence of the -q or -F and -j option three output formats
need to be differentiated. PP

Default Format (without -q, -F and -j)
For each host one line is printed. The output consists of consisting of

· the Hostname

· the Architecture.

· the Number of processors.

· the Load.

· the Total Memory.

· the Used Memory.

· the Total Swapspace.

· the Used Swapspace.

If the -q option is supplied, each host status line also contains extra lines for every
queue hosted by the host consisting of,

· the queue name.

· the queue type - one of B(atch), I(nteractive), C(heckpointing), P(arallel), T(ransfer)
or combinations thereof,

· the number of reserved, used and available job slots,

· the state of the queue - one of u(nknown) if the corresponding sge_execd(8) cannot be
contacted, a(larm), A(larm), C(alendar suspended), s(uspended), S(ubordinate),
d(isabled), D(isabled), E(rror) or combinations thereof.

If the state is a(alarm) at least one of the load thresholds defined in the
load_thresholds list of the queue configuration (see queue_conf(5)) is currently exceeded,
which prevents from scheduling further jobs to that queue.

As opposed to this, the state A(larm) indicates that at least one of the suspend
thresholds of the queue (see queue_conf(5)) is currently exceeded. This will result in
jobs running in that queue being successively suspended until no threshold is violated.

The states s(uspended) and d(isabled) can be assigned to queues and released via the
qmod(1) command. Suspending a queue will cause all jobs executing in that queue to be

The states D(isabled) and C(alendar suspended) indicate that the queue has been disabled
or suspended automatically via the calendar facility of Sun Grid Engine (see
calendar_conf(5)), while the S(ubordinate) state indicates, that the queue has been
suspend via subordination to another queue (see queue_conf(5) for details). When
suspending a queue (regardless of the cause) all jobs executing in that queue are
suspended too.

If an E(rror) state is displayed for a queue, sge_execd(8) on that host was unable to
locate the sge_shepherd(8) executable on that host in order to start a job. Please check
the error logfile of that sge_execd(8) for leads on how to resolve the problem. Please
enable the queue afterwards via the -c option of the qmod(1) command manually.

If the -F option was used, resource availability information is printed following the host
status line. For each resource (as selected in an option argument to -F or for all
resources if the option argument was omitted) a single line is displayed with the
following format:

· a one letter specifier indicating whether the current resource availability value was
dominated by either
`g' - a cluster global,
`h' - a host total or

· a second one letter specifier indicating the source for the current resource
availability value, being one of
`l' - a load value reported for the resource,
`L' - a load value for the resource after administrator defined load scaling has been
`c' - availability derived from the consumable resources facility (see complexes(5)),
`f' - a fixed availability definition derived from a non-consumable complex attribute
or a fixed resource limit.

· after a colon the name of the resource on which information is displayed.

· after an equal sign the current resource availability value.

The displayed availability values and the sources from which they derive are always the
minimum values of all possible combinations. Hence, for example, a line of the form
"qf:h_vmem=4G" indicates that a queue currently has a maximum availability in virtual
memory of 4 Gigabyte, where this value is a fixed value (e.g. a resource limit in the
queue configuration) and it is queue dominated, i.e. the host in total may have more
virtual memory available than this, but the queue doesn't allow for more. Contrarily a
line "hl:h_vmem=4G" would also indicate an upper bound of 4 Gigabyte virtual memory
availability, but the limit would be derived from a load value currently reported for the
host. So while the queue might allow for jobs with higher virtual memory requirements, the
host on which this particular queue resides currently only has 4 Gigabyte available.

After the queue status line (in case of -j) a single line is printed for each job running
currently in this queue. Each job status line contains

· the job ID,

· the job name,

· the job owner name,

· the status of the job - one of t(ransfering), r(unning), R(estarted), s(uspended),
S(uspended) or T(hreshold) (see the Reduced Format section for detailed information),

· the start date and time and the function of the job (MASTER or SLAVE - only meaningful
in case of a parallel job) and

· the priority of the jobs.


SGE_ROOT Specifies the location of the Sun Grid Engine standard configuration files.

SGE_CELL If set, specifies the default Sun Grid Engine cell. To address a Sun Grid
Engine cell qhost uses (in the order of precedence):

The name of the cell specified in the environment variable SGE_CELL,
if it is set.

The name of the default cell, i.e. default.

If set, specifies that debug information should be written to stderr. In
addition the level of detail in which debug information is generated is

If set, specifies the tcp port on which sge_qmaster(8) is expected to
listen for communication requests. Most installations will use a services
map entry for the service "sge_qmaster" instead to define that port.

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