qlandkartegt - Online in the Cloud

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QLandkarteGT - GPS mapping (GeoTiff and vector) and GPSr management


qlandkartegt [ -d | --debug ] [ -h | --help ] -m FD | --monitor=FD ] [ -n | --no-splash ]
[ files... ]


QLandkarteGT is a versatile tool for GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img
vector map format. QLandkarteGT is the successor of QLandkarte. Among various
improvements (e.g. 2D/3D map rendering and reduced resource demands) the major difference
is its device-independent architecture, which is not limited to Garmin devices anymore.

Additionally, QLandkarteGT serves as a frontend to the GDAL tools, to make georeferencing
of scanned maps feasible for users. In contrast to similar tools (e.g. QGis) its
straightforward interface is especially suited for non-scientific users.


QLandkarteGT currently understands the following options. Note that long options must be
specified in full (by now).


Enable additional debugging messages to standard output.


--help Print a short option summary, and exit.

-m FD

Monitor the file descriptor FD for activity. If any new data arrives on the
descriptor, a single byte is read from it, all currently active data are discarded,
and the geo data files that have been specified at the end of the command-line when
starting QLandkarteGT are read and evaluated again.


Do not display the splash screen on startup.

All remaining positional arguments are considered names of geo data files to be read and
evaluated upon startup.

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