qlob.pl - Online in the Cloud

This is the command qlob.pl that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



qlob.pl -- run quick mursaki compare


qlob.pl [options] {genome list...}

qlob is a frontend to murasaki (through qsub if it's available). It automatically
generates an output name for you based on the input files, sets a more reasonable memory
limit, runs the job, and generates dot-plot outputs.

In addition to the standard Murasaki options (see murasaki --help), qlob supports some
some options of its own:

-P uses an old pattern of 11111100100001111100000100101111
--target=<hostname> requests the job be run on hostname
-n|--name name for the job (allows overwriting of old output)
-m|--mem specifies a memory requirement to pass to qsub (default 4gb)
--mpi=N use MPI across N machines (sets ppn=4 also)
--myrinet require myrinet nodes
--kogfile=<file> Run filter.pl to score alignment using <file>


This program runs several sequences through murasaki. When run on an hpc machine it
submits the job via qsub.

Use qlob.pl online using onworks.net services

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